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2008年4月3日,河南郑州“保罗国际”再次曝出“天价头”丑闻:两名在郑州某中专读书的女生,在“保罗国际”剪发后,被该店强索1.2万元的巨额费用。事情曝光后,在媒体穷追不舍、地毯式的轰炸下,郑州市有关部门责令“保罗国际”停业整顿,并开出了50万元的罚单。2008年4月底,郑州市地税部门查出“保罗国际”偷、漏税近14万元,公安部门决定对“保罗国际”老板叶剑文等4名涉案人员拘捕归案。2008年5月2日,闻风潜逃到海南的叶剑文(后查实真名为叶峻雄),被警方抓获,并押回郑州受审。至此,在国内引起极大轰动的“保罗国际”天价头事件尘埃落定。本文主人公阿俊曾在“保罗国际”做过一段时间的美发师,对老板叶剑文近乎“抢劫式”宰客欺客的各种招术非常熟悉。在这里,他愿意把其中的黑幕抖落出来,以提醒广大消费者,在时下形形色色的美发陷阱中,要睁大自己的眼睛,以免上当受骗。同时,本文也吁请有关部门加大对美容美发行业的监管力度,让美容美发行业的黑心老板们,在高昂的违法成本面前知难而退,重新回到合法经营的轨道中来。 April 3, 2008, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, “Paul International” re-exposed “high price head ” scandal: two girls in a secondary school in Zhengzhou, “Paul International Store strong claim 12,000 yuan in huge costs. After the incident was exposed, the media pursued, carpet bombing, the relevant departments of Zhengzhou City ordered ”Paul International “ to suspend business for rectification, and issued a 500,000 yuan ticket. By the end of April 2008, the local government tax bureau in Zhengzhou City found out that ”Paul International“ stole and taxed nearly 140,000 yuan. The public security department decided to arrest and file the case against 4 people involved in the case of ”Paul International“ and ”Ye Jianwen, the boss of the company.“ On May 2, 2008, Yeh Wen-wen, who escaped to Hainan after being fooled by the wind, was arrested by the police and escorted back to Zhengzhou for trial. So far, caused a great sensation in the country ”Paul International “ high price head incident settled. The protagonist Arjun, who had worked as a hairdresser for a while at ”Paul International,“ was very familiar with various ”tricks“ like ”robbery“ and ”slaughter" of the boss Ye Jianwen. Here, he is willing to shake off the shady among them, to remind consumers, in all kinds of hair trap nowadays, to keep their eyes open, so as not to be deceived. At the same time, this article also called on the relevant departments to step up supervision of the beauty salon industry so that black-hearted bosses of the beauty salon industry would retreat in the face of the high cost of illegal activities and return to the track of legal operation.
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民工在高空作业时坠落死亡,死者亲属在交涉赔偿时,数人被打伤,3人被刑拘,这是发生在全国文明乡镇江苏省兴化市张郭镇的令人心酸的事。发生安全生产事故后,如何建立快速赔偿通道,使死者亲属避免流血又流泪的事情发生?这是摆在有关部门面前的一件十分急迫的任务。    民工高空坠落死亡    2006年8月25日上午,江苏省兴化市张郭镇雄达不锈钢厂,一群民工正冒着高温紧张地安装厂房彩钢瓦,忽然,一位民工一脚踏空
<正> 我将在这里谈谈中学数学教学,特别是法国的情况。由于数学的普遍性,我想我的结论对其他国家也是适用的。 大约十二年以前,法国的中学发生了一場巨大的变革:顷刻之间,数
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清华教授女儿“公交命案”发生后,这是那位售票员的“声音”首次见诸媒体。五位事件亲历者的说法,再现了当时的场景。 After Tsinghua University professor daughter “Bus