Rare earth element geochemistry in the inner shelf of the East China Sea and its implication to sedi

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjx2777
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Gravity core EC2005, located in the mud wedge off the Zhejiang-Fujian coast in the inner shelf of the East China Sea (ECS), was analyzed for its lithology, grain size, rare earth elements (REE) and AMS14C dating. Results revealed high-resolution paleoenvironmental evolution and multiple switches of sediment provenances in the inner shelf of ECS. The lithology, grain size and REE concentrations of sediments varied significantly down the core. Mean grain size ranged from 8 to 121 μm, and the values of ΣREE were 152.8-227.9 μg/g. The chondrite- and shale-normalized REE patterns indicated their similarity to the terrigenous sediments in the study area. Between 17.3-12.3 ka BP the sediments in the inner shelf of ECS were mainly originated from local drainage basins. The source then gradually switched to the Yangtze River between 12.3 and 9.8 ka BP. Since about 10-9.8 ka BP, the sediments in the study area were dominantly derived from the Yangtze River. The continuous rising of sea level and formation of coastal current along the inner shelf played a key role in the switches of sediment provenances. Gravity core EC2005, located in the mud wedge off the Zhejiang-Fujian coast in the inner shelf of the East China Sea (ECS), was analyzed for its lithology, grain size, rare earth elements (REE) and AMS14C dating. Results showed high The resolution paleoenvironmental evolution and multiple switches of sediment provenances in the inner shelf of ECS. The lithology, grain size and REE concentrations of sediments varied significantly down the core. Mean grain size ranged from 8 to 121 μm, and the values ​​of ΣREE were 152.8 -227.9 μg / g. The chondrite- and shale-normalized REE patterns indicated their similarity to the terrigenous sediments in the study area. Between 17.3-12.3 ka BP the sediments in the inner shelf of ECS were primarily originated from local drainage basins. Since about 10-9.8 ka BP, the sediments in the study area were dominantly derived from the Yangtze River. The continuous rising of sea level and formation of coastal current along the inner shelf played a key role in the switches of sediment provenances.
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例1 刘×男性22岁四川人农民患者的居室较小,通风差,睡前烤碳火、抽烟。当时感觉全身轻微不适,气闷,头昏。第2天起床时全身乏力,头晕,恶心。到户外活动以后好转,但觉右眼视