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一般机械制造厂的普通车床,有相当时间是用于孔加工,因此车床尾座导筒的使用非常频繁。导筒的锥孔与工具锥柄的配合接触面,是保证加工零件的中心线位置与主轴回转中心线一致的关键部位之一。如接触面受到损坏,此时用其铰孔常会出现孔径超差现象。 钻削直径超过25毫米的深孔时,其切削扭矩有可能超过由轴向力作用在锥体上而产生的摩擦力矩,致使工具锥柄与导筒锥孔发生转动,相互拉伤。我厂就普遍存在大直径钻头锥柄和导筒锥孔拉伤的现象。锥孔表面的损坏可以采取措施进行修复,而钻头锥柄部位的损坏,目前尚无妥善的办法进行修复。 为了克服上述拉伤现象,我厂对普通车床的尾座导筒锥孔部位进行了改进(见附图),使导筒锥孔只起工具锥柄的定位作用,切削扭矩由活动套3来承受。为了防止活动套转动,在导筒的导向槽内加工一椭圆形槽,并装上圆柱销4来加以限制。当需要将工 Ordinary general machinery factory lathe, there is a considerable amount of time for the hole processing, so the use of lathe tailstock guide tube is very frequent. The conical hole of the guide barrel and the mating contact surface of the tool taper shank are one of the key parts for ensuring that the centerline position of the machined part coincides with the centerline of the spindle rotation. Such as the contact surface is damaged, this time with its reaming holes appear often phenomenon of over-size. When drilling a deep hole with a diameter of more than 25 mm, the cutting torque may exceed the friction torque caused by the axial force acting on the cone, causing the tool taper and the guide cone to rotate and pull each other. I plant on the prevalence of large-diameter drill taper taper and guide cone taper hole phenomenon. Damaged taper hole surface can take measures to repair, and drill taper shank parts of the damage, there is no proper way to repair. In order to overcome the above phenomenon of strain, our factory improved the taper hole position of the tailstock guiding guide (see photo) of the ordinary lathe so that the guide taper hole only plays the role of the taper shank of the tool. The cutting torque is from the movable sleeve 3 bear. In order to prevent the movable sleeve from rotating, an oval groove is machined in the guide groove of the guide barrel, and a cylindrical pin 4 is installed to limit it. When needed to work
林权主体改革、林业配套改革和现代林业建设三者相辅相成,缺一不可。建设现代林业,抚顺人处理好了林权主体改革、林业配套改革和现代林业建设之间的关系。 The main body of