Haloplumbate Nanochains Templated by Quaternary Phosphorus: Good Water Stabilities, Thermochromic Lu

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Two triphenylmethylphosphonium/haloplumbate hybrids, i.e., [(PPh3Me)2(Pb2I6)?CH3CN]n (1) and [(PPh3Me)(PbBr3)]n (2), have been prepared, in which the (PbX3)nn- nanochains built from face-sharing PbX6 octahedra are surrounded by organic templates to assemble the core-shell quantum well. Besides, C?H···π interactions among Ph3PMe+ cations can also be detected, which give rise to the 2-D organic layer of 1 and 1-D chain for 2. The good water stabilities could be induced by the strong C?H···π interactions, which can deter the hydrolysis reaction. The energy band gaps of this work mainly derive from the charge transfer of organic components, but their luminescence stems from the inorganic (PbX3)nn- nanochains with co-existence of free excitons and self-trapped excitons. At temperature lower than 117 K, strong quantum confinement will rule out the free excitons, and self-trapped excitons will dominate, resulting in red-shift luminescence. Moreover, effective and repeatable photocurrent responses can be found in these hybrids.
Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) techniques were used to perform three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) studies on
粘土表面改性是提高粘土絮凝有害藻华效率的重要方法。本文融合铁系与铝系絮凝剂的优点,将两者复合,制备出了不同Fe含量的铁铝复合改性粘土,考察其对东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)、赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)和塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)的去除效率。结果表明,铁的复合对原改性粘土去除藻华生物的效率具有提升作用,该作用随Fe含量的增加而增大,最高可达20%—30%。本研究还采用Zeta电位仪和粒子成像测速仪测定了复合改性粘土
本研究分析了不同饵料对真蛸(Octopus vulgaris)生长与肠道微生物的影响。实验采用4种饵料:蓝点马鲛(鱼组)、天津厚蟹(蟹组)、四角蛤蜊(贝组)和日本枪乌贼(鱿鱼组)分别投喂真蛸,分析了各实验组真蛸的日均摄食量、特定生长率、饵料转化率、经济效益比,以及饵料对肠道微生物菌群结构和多样性的影响。实验结果表明:在生长性能指标方面,贝组的日均摄食量最高,而饵料转化率低于鱼组与蟹组;鱼组与蟹组的日均摄食量差异不大,但蟹组真蛸的特定生长率和饵料转化率高于其他三组且经济效益最佳;鱿鱼组的日均摄食量、特定生长
Two coordination polymers, namely [Mn(μ-Hcpia)(bipy)(H2O)2]n (1) and [Cd3(μ3-Hcpia)2(μ- Hbiim)2(μ-H2biim)(H2O)2]n (2), have been constructed hydrothermally
隐球菌病是威胁肾移植患者生命的严重感染性疾病,本文旨在报道我国肾移植患者合并隐球菌病(cryptococcosis in kidney transplant patients,C-KT)的情况.通过对208例患者的资
Organoboryl germanium(II) oxides were synthesized from the 1,4-addition reaction of L′Ge (L′ = HC[C(CH2)N(Ar)]C(Me)N(Ar), Ar = 2,6-iPr2C6H3) with selected mon
在对历年来在中国近海采集的滨螺科(Littorinidae)贝类标本进行系统整理和研究的过程中,鉴定出隶属于豆滨螺属Peasiella的2个物种:波部豆滨螺Peasiella habei D.Reid&Mak,1998和罗豆滨螺Peasiella roepstorffiana Nevill,1885。标本采自中国山东省及海南省沿海区域,栖息于潮间带及浅海的礁石上。本文对2个物种的贝壳形态、齿舌特征及地理分布等方面进行了详细描述,并对其分类地位以及主要鉴别特征进行了讨论,提出齿舌数量及排列方式即齿式