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雪白的墙壁,雪白的床单,连那枝伫立在高脚杯里的金色郁金香,也透露着淡淡的哀伤。病重的母亲静静地睡着,殷红的血液静静地淌着,我的泪儿静静地流着。护士小姐的声音和妈妈有点像,柔软,轻盈,“小姑娘,瞒着你母亲生病的消息,其实只想给你一份良好的心态,完成小升初的考试啊。请理解这份良苦用心,如吗?” The white walls, the white sheets, and the golden tulips that stood in the goblet also revealed a faint sadness. The sickly mother slept quietly, the red blood groaned quietly, and my tears flowed quietly. The voice of the nurse is similar to that of her mother. It is soft and light. “The little girl, taking advantage of the news of your mother’s illness, actually only wants to give you a good mentality and complete the exam of Xiao Shengchu. Please understand this good intentions. Is it like that?”
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