
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feijingzhi
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The continuing use of petrochemicals in mineral nitrogen(N) production may be affected by supply or cost issues and climate agreements.Without mineral N,a larger area of cropland is required to produce the same amount of food,impacting biodiversity.Alt
叶片形态特征与功能性状可以反映植物采取的协同或权衡策略。测定了塔里木河下游不同地下水埋深下荒漠河岸林建群种胡杨(Populus euphratica)的叶片解剖结构、叶片水力导度、叶片δ13 C值,探讨了胡杨结构性状指标和功能指标对地下水埋深的响应,叶片水力传输能力与叶片解剖结构变化趋势,以及叶片水力参数、解剖结构与水分利用效率的相关关系。结果表明:(1)胡杨叶片结构指标(叶片厚度、表皮厚度、栅栏
Household CO_2 emissions were increasing due to rapid economic growth and different household lifestyle. We assessed per capita household CO_2 emissions(PHCEs) based on different household consuming d
Land is critical to society by providing foods,fuel,fibers and many other ecosystem services that support production functions,regulate risks of natural hazards,or provide cultural and spiritual servi
The Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)–a development strategy proposed by China – provides unprecedented opportunities for multi-dimensional communication and cooperation across Asia,Africa and Europe.In t
This study developed a comprehensive system to evaluate the intensity of cropland use and evolution of cropland use in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.Delphi-entropy methods were adopted to determine the wei
Increasing soil organic carbon(SOC) sequestration is not only an efficient method to address climate change problems but also a useful way to improve land productivity.It has been reported by many stu
Understanding the spatial and temporal variations of cropping systems is very important for agricultural policymaking and food security assessment,and can provide a basis for national policies regardi
Spatial distribution changes in major crops can reveal important information about cropping systems.Here,a new centroid method that applies physics and mathematics to spatial pattern analysis in agric
Diverse conservation efforts have been expanding around the globe,even under the stress of increasing agricultural production.A striking example is the supply-chain agreements put upon the Amazon fore