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十一届三中全会以来,中国的大学生们以其特有的青春激情在社会主义现代化进程中上下求索。“从政热”、“沙龙热”、“竞选热”、“舞会热”、“社交热”、“参政热”、“自立热”、“经商热”……忠实地记录着大学生们矫健的青春脚步。然而,必须承认自1987年下半年始,随着“一无所有”和“跟着感觉走”的歌声在校园内走红,一种困惑、迷惘、压抑、空虚、玩世不恭甚至及时行乐、醉生梦死的失落病也在校园中如瘟疫般蔓延。是社会不再为大学生提供热点,还是大学生们由于缺乏对社会的深刻认识和把握,因而其热点难以经受住社会的考验?而“碰壁”的大学生们又难以从理性上把握热点的缺陷,因而当热点不可避免地失去热力时,大学生们就不可避免地陷入失落感。显然,上述疑问都可构成大学生失落病的原因。本文主要就后一种疑问进行尝试性探究。笔者认为,就大学生而言,这种失落病来源于大学生普遍具有的对社会缺乏深沉的认知,摆脱失落感,寻回自我的根本出路,在于将自己置于整个社会关系的“总和”中。 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, college students in China, with their unique passion for youth, have searched the course of socialist modernization. “Politics,” “Salon,” “Campaign,” “Dance,” “Social,” “Politics,” “Independence,” “Business,” ... faithfully record the vigorous youth of college students pace. However, it must be acknowledged that since the second half of 1987, with the singing of “nothing” and “following the sensation of feeling” on campus, a kind of confused, confused, depressed, emptiness, cynicism or even pleasure, The campus spreads like a plague. Is the society no longer providing hot spots for college students or are college students unable to withstand the test of society due to the lack of profound understanding and grasping of society? Students who “run into walls” find it hard to rationally grasp the hot spots and therefore When hot spots inevitably lose their heat, college students inevitably fall into a sense of loss. Obviously, these questions can form the cause of college students lost disease. This article mainly tentatively probes the latter question. The author believes that in the case of college students, this kind of disease is originated from the general way of undergraduates’ lack of deep understanding of the society, the basic way to get rid of the sense of loss, and find oneself. It lies in placing themselves in the “total sum” of the whole social relations.
第七届广东省艺术节演出期间,召开了“面向21世纪戏剧研讨会”和“广东舞蹈创作的现状与发展”研讨会,旨在提高省内戏剧和舞蹈创作水平,繁荣广东的戏剧、舞蹈创作。 During
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