
来源 :科学学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhwenh_0421
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江苏省和浙江省是中国经济最具代表性的地区之一,在现代化进程中两省分别采用了不同的发展模式。本文在不同发展模式的基础上,检验了两省现代化进程中技术进步对劳动力转移的影响。研究发现,不同发展模式的技术进步对劳动力转移的影响不同,在“苏南模式”下,二、三产业技术进步均对劳动力转移起到推动作用,其中,第二产业技术进步的作用显著大于第三产业技术进步,在“温州模式”下,只有第三产业技术进步促进劳动力转移,且大于“苏南模式”第三产业技术进步的作用。 Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province are one of the most representative areas in China’s economy. In the process of modernization, the two provinces adopted different modes of development respectively. On the basis of different development models, this paper examines the impact of technological progress on labor force transfer in the two provinces’ modernization process. The results show that the technological progress of different development modes has different effects on the labor transfer. Under the “Southern Jiangsu Model”, the technological progress of the secondary and tertiary industries all play a catalytic role in the transfer of labor force. Among them, the role of technological progress in the secondary industry Which is significantly larger than that of the tertiary industry. Under the “Wenzhou Model,” only the technological progress of the tertiary industry promotes the transfer of labor and is greater than the technological progress of the tertiary industry in the “southern model.”
<正> 我国的兄弟民族大多是能歌善舞的民族。建国以来由于党的重视与关怀,兄弟民族的舞蹈艺术得到了迅速和蓬勃的发展。特别是大跃进以来,一些以各民族生活和斗争为题材的舞