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采用陕北25个县气象站观测的气象资料和陕北6县仁用杏物候资料,对陕北仁用杏 气候生态条件进行了分析。以≤0℃终日、≥10℃积温、年降水量为区划指标,运用GIS地理信 息系统做了陕北仁用香气候适宜性区划。结果表明:陕北各地均可种植仁用杏,但种植目的应 有差异。在仁用杏气候最适宜区,仁用杏生长发育最为适宜,可获得较高且稳定的经济效益,主 要分布于陕北东部黄河沿岸;在仁用杏气候适宜区,种植仁用各部分年份发生冻害,能基本保 证获得较好的经济效益,主要分布在陕北中南部、长城沿线风沙区中部及西部;在仁用杏气候 较适宜区,仁用各开花期和幼果期冻害发生较频繁,需要合理选择园址,管理得当可取得生态、 经济综合效益,主要在陕北西部;在仁用杏气候非适宜区,种植仁用杏以防风固沙、绿化荒山的 生态效益为主要目的,主要分布在子午岭和黄龙山区。 Based on the observed meteorological data of 25 counties in northern Shaanxi and the phenophase data of six apricots in northern Shaanxi, the climatic conditions of apricot apricot in northern Shaanxi were analyzed. With ≤0 ℃ all day, ≥10 ℃ accumulated temperature, annual precipitation as a zoning indicator, using GIS geographic information system in northern Shaanxi fragrant climate suitability zoning. The results showed that all kinds of apricots could be planted in all parts of northern Shaanxi, but the purpose of planting should be different. In apricot apricot climate most suitable area, apricot apricot growth and development of the most appropriate, access to higher and stable economic benefits, mainly in the Yellow River in eastern Shaanxi coast; suitable apricot climate area, planting kernel with all parts of the year The occurrence of frost damage can basically guarantee to obtain better economic benefits, mainly distributed in the central and southern part of northern Shaanxi and the middle and western part of the sandstorm area along the Great Wall. In the more suitable climate zone for apricot, the frost damage occurred in flowering and young fruit stages Frequent, need to choose a reasonable site, properly managed to obtain ecological and economic benefits, mainly in the western part of northern Shaanxi; apricot climate in the non-suitable area, planting apricots with windbreak and sand fixation, greening barren ecological benefits as the main purpose, Mainly distributed in the Ziwu and Huanglong Mountain area.
对建设片区和项目“两型”示范效应的研究,不仅对深入贯彻落实科学发展观、 探索建设“两型”社会的目标和路径具有重要的理论价值,而且还对又快又好推进“两型” 社会建设具有
兵团十二五经济发展规划在第38 章第1、2 节当中专门提出了“重视节能减 排”和“发展循环经济”的重要规划内容,对于发展兵团经济具有重要意义。十一五期间石 河子垦区工业循
生态效率兼顾经济活动的生态效益和经济效益,在一定程度上反映了经济 可持续发展水平。2003~2010 年中国省份工业的经验分析表明:我国工业生态效 率普遍偏低,其省际差异和年际变
国民经济各产业部门通过投入产出关系构成产业关联,产业关联网络结构影响着产业 结构演化。本文运用社会网络分析理论与方法对产业关联网络结构进行定量化研究,选取安 徽省产业
运用随机前沿技术研究了我国制造业25 个行业的能源效率,结果发现,2003-2009 年制造业能源效率总体呈现上升态势,行业间能效水平差异较大。对能源效率值的分层聚类 分析显示,25