中共湖南省委 湖南省人民政府批转省委宣传部、省政府办公厅《关于开展经济形势宣传教育的意见》的通知

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一九八二年四月六日湘发17号省委、省政府同意省委宣传部和省政府办公厅《关于开展经济形势宣传教育的意见》,现转发给你们,望认真贯彻执行。经济形势的宦传教育,是当前思想政治工作特别是城市思想政治工作的一个重要内容。各级党委和政府要把这一工作摆到议事日程上,在四、五月份内,集中一定的时间和精力,认真抓好。经济形势教育一定要有针对性,要确实回答和解决当前干部群众中对经济形势看法上存在的问题,真正使广大干部群众提高觉悟,端正认识,增强信心,鼓足干劲,把各项生产和工作任务完成得更好。各地区、各部门、各单位的负责同志要亲自调查研究,摸清群众的思想脉搏,面对面地给干部群众作报告,解疑难,并及时加强对宣传教育工作的指导。另外,各单位还要注意在这次宣传教育活动中,逐步把形势教育的制度恢复和健全起来。各地进行经济形势宣传教育的情况和经验,请及时报省委宣传部。 On April 6, 1982, the provincial Party committee and government of Xiangfa, on the 17th, agreed that Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and Opinions of the General Office of Provincial Government on “Propaganda and Education on Economic Situation” are hereby forwarded to you and hopefully implement it. The official education of the economic situation is an important part of current ideological and political work, especially the ideological and political work in urban areas. Party committees and governments at all levels should put this work on the agenda and concentrate on a certain amount of time and energy and do a good job in April and May. The education on the economic situation must be targeted so as to truly answer and resolve the existing problems among the cadres and the masses in their opinions on the economic situation so as to truly enable the cadres and masses to raise their awareness and correct their mistakes and enhance their confidence and boost their energy. Job tasks completed better. The responsible comrades of all localities, departments and units should conduct investigations and studies in person, find out the pulse of the masses, report to the cadres and masses face to face, solve problems, and promptly step up their guidance on propaganda and education. In addition, all units should also pay attention to gradually recovering and perfecting the system of situation education in this publicity and education campaign. Circumstances and experiences of publicity and education in the economic situation should be promptly reported to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.
“一个企业的目标不是上市,企业真正的高速发展应当是在上市以后。假如把上市变成目标了,那很危险,会驱动企业作出非理性的举动。只要业绩增长, ”The goal of a business
一、注重探索内容的的选择,把握探索时机  把握探索时机,要着重做好以下两点。第一,教师要注意观察,适时引导。观察的着眼点应放在幼儿是否大胆动手操作上,教师要善于用语言来激