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新近,中国电视艺术家协会与中央电视台研究室,共同展开了中央台’97春节联欢晚会专题调查研究活动。本次调研活动主要以座谈采访形式进行,先后对四川省自贡市治滩镇的农民、职工、干部及企业厂长、经理;中国人民解放军海军某部的干部、战士;北京城建集团五公司某扩建工程的管理、技术人员及工人;北师大艺术系的部分师生等进行了座谈与采访。参加座谈的各界人士,较为充分地肯定了这台以“团结、奋进、自豪的中国人”为主题的春节晚会,认为这台晚会主题鲜明,有一定的时代气息,内容丰厚,健康向上;节目形式有所创新,整体气氛喜庆热烈。不少与会者同时也直言不讳,认为相声节目整体水平严重下滑;大放光彩的精品节目及让人畅快或催人泪下的动情点似显不足。不少同志还热情地提出了积极建议,如:少用老面孔、多启用新人;突破舞台框架,扩展表现空间;加大晚会前的节目构思、研究力度,精选、精排、精播,减少成形后的遗憾与不足;利用高科技造成气势更加宏大,更具现代气息的中华民族大喜大庆佳节气氛等等。与会者更广泛、更集中的呼声是:中央电视台每年一台的春节联欢晚会,是团圆家人、牵动千家万户、凝聚全世界中国人的最佳仪式,不能不办,只能办好,只能越办越好。参加本次调研的各界人士座谈内容,经整理综述如下: Recently, the China Television Artists Association and CCTV Research Office jointly launched the CCTV ’97 Spring Festival Gala Special Investigation and Research Project. The survey was mainly conducted in the form of an interview and interview. The directors and managers of peasants, workers, cadres and enterprises in Zhantan Town, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, cadres and soldiers of a certain navy of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), five companies of Beijing Urban Construction Group Expansion of the project management, technical staff and workers; Beijing Normal University Department of Arts and some teachers and students conducted a talk and interview. The people from all walks of life who attended the symposium more fully affirmed this Spring Festival Gala featuring the theme of “Chinese people of unity, progress and pride”. They thought that the theme of this party was clear, with a certain flavor of the times, rich in content and healthy in nature. The program The form of innovation, the overall atmosphere festive. At the same time, many participants also outspoken, that the crosstalk program as a whole a serious decline in the level of; glorious boutique programs and make people happy or tear-laden point of emotion seems to be inadequate. Many comrades have also enthusiastically put forward positive suggestions, such as: using less old faces and opening more new ones; breaking through the stage framework and expanding the performance space; increasing the pre-gala program ideas, research efforts, selection, fine tuning, fine broadcasting, Reduce the regret and deficiency after forming; make use of high technology to create more magnificent and more modern atmosphere of the Chinese nation to celebrate the festive atmosphere and so on. The participants’ wider and more concentrated calls are as follows: An annual Gala for CCTV’s annual festival is a best ritual of reunifying the family, touching tens of thousands of families and gathering Chinese people from all over the world. Can do better. People from all walks of life who participated in this study discussed the contents as follows:
嗜盐真菌是指可以在3M至更高的盐浓度下生长,且可以在1.7M的盐浓度下经常被分离到(regulary isolated)的真菌;耐盐真菌是指在1.7M的盐浓度下只能零星分离到(sporadic isolates