20 0 4年全国高中学生化学竞赛暨冬令营在广州举行 ,本刊编辑部两位编辑参加了这次冬令营。竞赛选手的临场发挥和不俗表现 ,感动着我们编辑 ,于是约请了几位选手谈了自己学习化学的经验及竞赛方面应注意的问题。这些短文各有侧重 ,对学生学习化学科学和竞赛选手参赛有一定的借鉴作用
In the year of 2004, the National High School Chemistry Competition for Students and the Winter Camp were held in Guangzhou. Two editors of the editorial department of the journal participated in this winter camp. The contestants’ play on the spot and impressive performances touched our editors. So they invited some players to talk about their own experience in learning chemistry and the issues that should be paid attention to in the competition. Each of these essays focuses on students’ learning skills in chemistry science and competition.