
来源 :中国检察官 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnfjwbx
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我国80%以上的检察院是基层院,80%以上的检察干警、检察工作任务在基层。可以说,基层检察院是检察工作的基础。正因为如此,基层院建设显得尤为重要,关系到检察工作全局。同时我们必须看到,面对改革发展稳定的新形势新任务,面对人民群众对司法工作的新期待新要求,基层检察工作在执法观念、监督能力、体制机制、队伍素质等方面还存在一些不适应、不符合科学发展观要求的问题,制约了检察机关职能作用的发挥,一定程度上也影响了检察机关的公信力。为此,最高人民检察院于2009年3月4日下发了《2009—2012年基层人民检察院建设规划》,要求各级检察机关积极推进基层检察院执法规范化、队伍专业化、管理科学化和保障现代化“四化”建设。然而,基层院建设,很大程度上有赖于基层院检察长对此项工作的认识和身体力行。故本期《中国检察官》刊登5位基层检察长对这一工作的看法和做法,相信对他院定有所借鉴和启示。 More than 80% of our procuratorates are grassroots units, over 80% of procuratorate police officers and prosecutors work at the grassroots level. It can be said that grassroots procuratorates are the foundation of procuratorial work. Precisely because of this, the construction of grassroots units is particularly important and relates to the overall procuratorial work. At the same time, we must see that in the face of the new tasks and tasks required in the reform, development and stability, and in face of the new requirements of the people and the judiciary, there are still some basic procuratorial work on law enforcement concepts, supervision capabilities, institutional mechanisms, and team quality Inconsistent with the requirements of the scientific concept of development, restricting the procuratorial organs function of play, to a certain extent, also affected the credibility of the procuratorial organs. To this end, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate issued the “Construction Plan for Grassroots People’s Procuratorate 2009-2012” on March 4, 2009, requiring procuratorates at all levels to actively promote the standardization of law enforcement by grassroots procuratorates, professionalization of the ranks, scientific management and protection of modernization “Four modernizations ” construction. However, the construction of grassroots units largely depends on the knowledge and practice of the chief procurators at the grass-roots levels on this task. Therefore, in this issue, the “Chinese Prosecutor” published the views and practices of the five grassroots procurators on this work and believed that it would provide some reference and inspiration to his hospital.
51140部队在保证部队供应的情况下,已连续七年做到了预算经费有余。从1978年旅差费实行指标控制、节余有奖的规定以来,他们年年获奖,受到师和军区的表扬。 51140部队的财经
去年底,教育部发布了《关于普通高中学业水平考试的实施意见》和《关于加强和改进普通高中学生综合素质评价的意见》等政策文件,标志着我国考试招生制度改革进入实质性推进阶段,也意味着基础教育的教学方式将面临深刻的变革。  这一改革的目的在于,一方面,让学生认识自我、学会选择、全面发展,适应时代发展对人才的需求;另一方面,让学校把握学生成长规律,变革人才培养模式,扭转以考试成绩为唯一标准的评价学生的做法。 
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