
来源 :国外金属矿选矿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangxi0922
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通过详细的吸附、动电和浮选试验 ,研究了天然多糖古尔胶与方铅矿、闪锌矿、黄铜矿和黄铁矿等硫化矿物的相互作用。古尔胶在方铅矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿和闪锌矿矿物上的最大吸附密度分别在 pH =11 5、10、9 5和 7 5处。所有矿物的吸附等温线均呈现朗格缪尔行为 ,在某些情况下观察到了高度相似的趋势。这些矿物对古尔胶的吸附量按如下顺序递减 :PbS >>ZnS >FeS2 >CuFeS2 。动电试验表明 ,黄铁矿的等电点位于 pH =6 8,而所研究的其他硫化矿物等电点位于pH =3以下。加入不同浓度的古尔胶 ,相应地降低了负电泳迁移率 ,且与聚合物浓度成比例。等电点值无任何变化 ,类似于支持电解质的影响。进行了溶解和共沉淀试验以查明晶格离子是否与溶液中古尔胶相互作用。结果表明 ,从矿物上溶解下来的金属离子与溶液中的古尔胶相互作用。一个有趣的现象是 ,各种金属离子的最大沉淀 pH与相应矿物对古尔胶吸附量极大的 pH相吻合。金属离子 -古尔胶的相互作用被溶液电导试验结果所证实。在古尔胶存在下 ,每种单独矿物微浮选试验显示 ,该聚合物的抑制能力与吸附数据相符。古尔胶在 pH =11时抑制能力的大小有如下顺序 :PbS >FeS2 >CuFeS2 >ZnS。对方铅矿和闪锌矿的人工混合物所进行的典型分离浮选试验表明 ,方铅矿能被古尔胶有效 Through the detailed adsorption, electrokinetic and flotation experiments, the interaction between natural polysaccharide Gulose and sulphide minerals such as galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrite was studied. The maximum adsorption densities of gulose on galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite minerals are at pH = 11 5, 10, 9 5 and 7.5, respectively. All mineral adsorption isotherms exhibit Langmuir behavior and in some cases a highly similar trend is observed. The adsorption of these minerals on guer gum decreases in the following order: PbS >> ZnS> FeS2> CuFeS2. The results of electrokinetic tests show that the isoelectric point of pyrite is at pH = 6 8, while the isoelectric point of other sulphide minerals studied is below pH = 3. The addition of different concentrations of guer gum reduced the negative electrophoretic mobility accordingly and was proportional to the polymer concentration. No change in isoelectric point value, similar to the effect of supporting electrolytes. Dissolution and coprecipitation experiments were performed to determine if the lattice ions interact with the guer gum in solution. The results show that the metal ions dissolved from the minerals interact with the guer gum in solution. An interesting phenomenon is that the maximum precipitation pH of various metal ions corresponds to the pH at which the corresponding mineral adsorbs very high gulose. The interaction of the metal ion-guer gum is confirmed by the solution conductance test results. In the presence of guer gum, micro-flotation tests of each individual mineral showed that the polymer’s ability to inhibit was consistent with the adsorption data. The inhibitory capacity of gulose at pH = 11 has the following order: PbS> FeS2> CuFeS2> ZnS. A typical separation flotation experiment conducted on an artificial mixture of galena and sphalerite shows that galena can be effectively activated by guer
名利河水闸的工人、干部和技术人员,坚持自力更生、土法上马,大搞技术革新,成功地应用了普通螺纹千斤顶顶升滑行模板施工。 名利河水闸全长95.5米,分为11孔,闸墩高9米,宽1.3
1 临床资料 所选病例均为本院门诊急诊留观患者,诊断标准参照国家中医药管理局《中医儿科病证诊断疗效标准》。凡确诊为流行性腮腺炎,体温≥38.5℃者,随机抽样分为2组。治疗
小儿厌食证是儿科较为常见的疾病,笔者自1993年9月至1998年3月,采用自拟消疳汤治疗43例,取得满意效果,现报道如下.一般资料:43例均为门诊病例,7个月至12岁, Pediatric anore