In the top of the throat at the top 1/3, there is a blind bag opening in the throat chamber, called the laryngeal sac. Stratified by the epithelium, with mucus gland. Its size varies from person to person, upward up to the upper edge of thyroid cartilage, a few even to the thyroid periderm nearby. If the pressure in the throat or occlusion of the sac mouth will form a laryngeal cyst, cyst content can be gas, mucus or pus. According to the different parts of the cyst can be divided into throat, throat and mixed three types, of which the majority of the laryngeal type. The diagnosis of extra-laryngeal cysts need to differentiate from other mass in the neck. Treatment of either laryngeal or mixed type, the throat, including laryngeal approach, the results are not good, so currently advocated by the neck path to complete the operation.