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针对常规方箱式加热炉炉墙漏风 ,炉管易结焦及能耗大等问题 ,用QX系列热媒炉加热技术对胜利采油厂 6座集输泵站加热系统实施改造。热媒炉与方箱炉使用情况的对比分析表明 ,热媒炉平均热效率提高了 2 4 15% ,耗油量降低了 2 4 18%。热媒炉的温度和压力控制、检测、保护系统完善 ,运行安全 ,燃料燃烧完全 ,烟囱排烟量少 ,减少了对大气层的污染。针对热媒炉加热系统运行中出现的问题 ,建议 :( 1)燃烧器油泵压力应控制在 2 0~ 3 0MPa ,加热泵加热温度控制在 10 0~ 12 0℃ ,燃料油压力控制在 0 3~ 0 5MPa ;( 2 )热油循环泵额定参数应与实际生产参数相匹配 ,以避免循环泵功率过大造成无功损耗 ;( 3 )确保燃油质量 ,采取措施降低燃油的含砂量。 Aiming at the problems such as air leakage in furnace walls, easy coking and high energy consumption of furnace tubes, the heating system of 6 gathering pump stations in Shengli Oil Production Plant was retrofitted with QX series heat medium furnace heating technology. The comparative analysis of the utilization of the heat medium furnace and the square box furnace shows that the average thermal efficiency of the heat medium furnace is increased by 2 4 15% and the fuel consumption is reduced by 2 4 18%. Heat medium furnace temperature and pressure control, detection, protection system is perfect, safe operation, fuel combustion is complete, smokestacks less, reducing the pollution of the atmosphere. In view of the problems occurred in the operation of the heating medium heating system, it is suggested that: (1) the pressure of the burner oil pump should be controlled at 20 ~ 30MPa, the heating temperature of the heating pump controlled at 10 ~ 12 0 ℃, the fuel oil pressure controlled at 0 3 ~ 0 5MPa; (2) hot oil circulating pump rated parameters should be matched with the actual production parameters to avoid circulating pump power caused by reactive power loss; (3) to ensure fuel quality, to take measures to reduce the amount of oil sand.
针对萨中油田 10 1 6mm套管井采油工艺技术的需要 ,研制了Y2 11— 76型小直径封隔器。这是一种单向卡瓦支撑、重力坐封、上提管柱解封的压缩式封隔器 ,总长 787mm ,最大外径
两段串联提升管反应器是为适应两段提升管催化裂化新工艺技术而研究开发的一种新型高效反应器。采用这种反应器可将现行提升管中的催化裂化反应过程分为两段进行 ,利用催化剂
目的探讨品管圈活动在降低主检报告内容差错率中的应用效果。方法成立品管圈,选定活动主题,拟定活动计划,分析主检报告内容差错的原因,进行目标设定,圈员共同拟定对策并按计划实施,选取活动期间共11 738名受检者的体检报告进行差错统计,其中男性6 892名,女性4 846名,平均年龄为(38.01±11.31)岁,改善前5 000份,改善中5 120份,改善后1 618份,比较改善前、中、后主检报告差错