
来源 :科技传播 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mylocoy
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科学技术的传播效果,不仅会影响科学技术本身的作用,还会影响其社会价值。科学共同体、科学家之间的学术交流活动,科技类期刊等这类传统的科技传播形式,常常涉及专业知识与术语,除本专业研究人员外,公众并不知道这些术语的专业背景和内在含义,也很难理解这些术语和知识,这样就阻碍了科技信息的有效对外传播,导致公众无法通畅、有效、便捷地获取科技信息。科学秀(科普剧)、科学实验秀等科学传播作品,通过作品中的艺术形象、情感因素作用于人的感性认识,让公众觉得“科技有意思”。艺术与科技传播的融合,让科学知识的普及更广泛,让公众感受科学的魅力,让科学方法的应用更加合理、正确,用科学思想战胜愚昧落后,提高了全民的科学素质。 The dissemination of science and technology will not only affect the role of science and technology itself, but also affect its social value. Scientific community, academic exchanges between scientists, science and technology journals and other such traditional forms of scientific and technological communication, often involving professional knowledge and terminology, in addition to the professional researchers, the public does not know the professional background and internal meaning of these terms, It is also difficult to understand these terms and knowledge, thus impeding the effective dissemination of scientific and technological information, leading to the public can not be smooth, effective and easy access to scientific and technological information. Science show (science popularization), scientific experiment show and other scientific communication works. Through the artistic image and emotional factors in works, people act on their perceptual knowledge and make the public feel that “science and technology are interesting.” The fusion of art and science and technology makes the popularization of scientific knowledge more extensive and enables the public to feel the charm of science and make the application of scientific methods more reasonable and correct. It overcomes ignorance and backwardness with scientific thinking and improves the scientific quality of the entire people.
目的评价乙型肝炎(乙肝)病毒表面抗原[Hepatitis B Virus(HBV)Surface Antigen,HBsAg]阳性母亲的儿童接种乙肝疫苗(Hepatitis B Vaccine,HepB)后的低/无应答者,采用重组HepB(
教学过程中教师应不断提升自己的语言功底,让学生乐于学,使英语课堂真正成为学生学习的乐园。 During the teaching process, teachers should continuously improve their