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山东农业大学植物遗传工程重点实验室是1991年由山东省教委批准在“八五”期间建成的省级重点实验室。现有专、兼职人员26人,专职人员中教授4人,副教授8人,获博士学位者8人,实验室学术委员会由国内15位有影响的院士、专家组成。rn该实验室有3个主要研究方向:一是利用染色体工程技术进行小麦遗传改良;二是利用基因工程技术进行植物遗传改良;三是利用细胞工程技术进行作物遗传改良。在科研工作中,该实验室坚持基础理论与应用研究相结合,新的生物技术与常规方法相结合,对利用生物技术进行作物遗传改良的方法、途径及其有关理论问题进行深入探索和研究,并追随学科前沿,取得重要进展,获得一批较高水平的科研成果。“九五”期间共承担国家科技攻关、国家自然科学基金和省重点科研课题34项,获国家技术发明一等奖1项,省部级科技进步一 、二、三等奖6项。rn利用染色体工程技术把多种小麦近缘物种携带优良基因的染色体或染色体片段转移进小麦,创造出一批具有多抗、大穗、大粒、优质、矮秆综合性状优良的种质材料,现已提供给国内育种单位研究利用;培育出6个小麦优良新品系正在进行生产试验示范。利用分子育种技术培育出多个抗枯、黄萎病,纤维品质优良,抗盐碱等各具特色的棉花种质系,选育出5个小麦新品系。利用细胞工程技术选育出3个优质、丰产小麦新品系和多穗行、配合力高的玉米自交系;研究出高效玉米花药培养基,建立了高效玉米花药培养程序和游离小孢子培养技术体系,使玉米花粉植株的诱导率提高到5%~10%,利用该技术选育的纯系组配的高产、抗病玉米杂交种山农92-1平均亩产达到648.1 kg,比同类型对照品种增产19.4%。rn实验室积极开展国内外学术交流,不断提高科研人员的学术水平,密切对外联系,与国内多家科研和教学单位建立了科研和人才培养的协作关系。近年来先后有8人分别赴美国、加拿大、德国、法国、新西兰等国家进行合作研究和学术交流,有11个国家的专家或代表团来实验室访问交流。rn“十五”期间,实验室将进一步加大对外开放的力度,面向经济建设主战场,继续采用染色体工程、基因工程和细胞工程与常规技术相结合的方法,进行主要农作物遗传改良的理论和应用研究。山东农业大学植物遗传工程重点实验室真诚地欢迎全国各地的同行来实验室开展合作研究、学术交流,进一步提高仪器设备的利用效率,共同提高农业科研水平,为中国农业生产做出更大的贡献。rnrnThe Key Province Laboratory of Plant Genetic Engineering,rnShandong Agricultural University (PGEL) IntroductionrnrnThe PGEL,key province laboratory sponsored by Educational Committee of Shandong Province during the 8th national five-year plan was set up in 1991.There are currently 26 permanent or facultative staffs including 4 professors,8 associate professors in the PGEL,of them,8 staffs with Ph.Dr.degrees.The PGEL academic committee is composed of 15 famous native academicians or scientists.There are 3 research groups in the PGEL.rn1.Chromosome engineering and wheat genetic improvement.rn2.Gene engineering and plants genetic improvement.rn3.Cell engineering and crops genetic improvement.rnDuring the 9th national five-year plan,the PGEL has undertaken 34 research projects including National 9th Five-Year Key Program of State Science and Technology,National Natural Science Foundation and Provincial key projects.The PGEL has made great achievements both at crops genetic improvement and related theoretical studies.Using chromosome engineering combined with conventional approaches,6 elite wheat advanced lines were released,which contained beneficial alien chromosomes or segments and desire comprehensive agronomic traits involved multiple resistance,short status,heavy grains,large spikes,etc.Some cotton lines with resistance to yellow dwarf,wilt disease and salinity,and several wheat lines were also bred out though the introduction of alien DNA.The PGEL researches also discovered new culture medium and established effective procedures for the anther culture of corn, which increased the induction rate of green plantlet from anther callus with 5%~10%.The produced corn hybrid Shannong 92-1 yield 19.47% more than the check with an output of 648.1 kg per mu.Several inbred lines of corn with desirable combing ability and agronomic traits,and some wheat lines were also obtained though cell engineering.Up to date,the PGEL has received 4 awards both from the Chinese government and Shandong Province.The detailed awards are as follows:rnFirst national prize in innovation of natural science and technology,3 provincial or ministry;rnFirst prize in progresses of science and technology conferred by Shandong Province;rnSecond prize in progresses of science and technology conferred by Shandong ProvincernThird prize in progresses of science and technology conferred by Shandong Province.rnIn PGEL,international and national collaborations are of quite importance.Since 1991,8 staffs have been abroad in collaboration or academic exchanges with that of USA,Germany,France,Canada and New Zealand.During the 10th national five-year plan,the PGEL will be more open to the public,colleagues both from the home and abroad will be warmly welcome to collaborate with us in order to make full use of the equipments in PGEL and pay more contribution to agriculture sciences of our country together.
2007年度,信阳师范学院物理电子工程学院获批一项国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号 60777012),该项目通过测量待测目标在某一波长点处的直接热辐射和反射热辐射,探索出一种能够
对新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南缘土壤结皮中苔藓进行了研究,结果表明,该地区参与土壤结皮的有4种苔藓植物,即真藓(Bryum argenteum)、细叶真藓(Bryum capillare)、无齿紫萼藓(Gri