英木兰出生于解放前赫赫有名的“英氏家族”,其堂兄英若诚是中国著名的表演艺术家。这样的出身,给了她良好的教育和高尚的品格,同时也将苦难和波折带给她,而她却将自己的一切,默默地奉献给了教会…… 英木兰是个会讲故事的人,这是我在采访她几天后才发现的事。因为她总是忙着:忙着管理教区诊所的大事小事;忙着操持修女会的日常工作;忙着接待前来拜访的各国宗教界朋友;还忙着看望教友,忙着看书写论
British Magnolia was born before the liberation of the famous “English family”, whose cousin Ying Ruocheng is a famous Chinese performing artist. This origin, gave her a good education and noble character, but also to bring her suffering and twists and turns, but she will all their own, silently dedicated to the Church ... ... British Mulan is a storyteller, This was something I discovered after a few days of interviews with her. Because she was always busy: he was in charge of managing the affairs of the parish clinic; he was busy with the daily work of the nuns; he was busy receiving friends from various religions who came to visit him; he was also busy with visiting church members and was busy with writing