一、导入新课 师:同学们,人常说:“眼睛是心灵的窗户”,我从你们那双明亮的眼睛里还看见了一种很宝贵的东西,你们知道是什么吗? 生:不知道。(有学生摇头) 师:那就是探求科学知识的强烈欲望。眼睛是很重要,很宝贵的。那么,关于眼睛,你们都知道些什么?(大多数学生举手)
First, the introduction of a new class teacher: Students, people often say: “The eyes are the windows of the soul,” I from your pair of bright eyes also saw a very valuable thing, do you know what it is? know. (Some students shake their heads) Teacher: That is the strong desire to seek scientific knowledge. Eyes are important and valuable. So, what do you know about eyes? (Most students raise their hands)