3年前,中国即将入世,各行各业沸沸扬扬,雀声一片,国内企业都有一种紧迫感,都在讨论该如何应对即将来临的挑战。因为,毕竟中国的市场必将向全世界敞开,中国市场必将成为国际的市场。而中国的工程机械企业属于规模不大、技术含量低的劳动密集性企业,因此也免不了山雨欲来,诚惶诚恐。 但从2001年开始,工程机械市场一扫阴霾,一路高歌猛进,反而是具有资本优势和技术优势的国际大鳄缩头畏首。似乎局势并不像原来想象的那么严峻。到2002年,工程机械市场爆发了“井喷”现象,形势更令企业喜出望外,同时也打了个措手不及。多处市场的告
Three years ago, when China was about to enter the WTO, all walks of life were full of heated voices and voices. The domestic enterprises all had a sense of urgency and were discussing how to deal with the upcoming challenges. Because, after all, China’s market is bound to open to the world, the Chinese market will surely become an international market. However, China’s construction machinery enterprises belong to the labor-intensive enterprises with small scale and low technical content, so they will inevitably be in a hurry and fearless. However, starting from 2001, the construction machinery market swept the haze, all the way triumphantly, but with the capital advantage and technological superiority of the international predators feared. It seems that the situation is not as severe as originally thought. By 2002, the construction machinery market broke out “blowout” phenomenon, the situation even more pleasant to the outside world, but also hit a by surprise. Many markets report