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2015年2月10日,公安部在中国人民公安大学召开全国公安民警训练大纲和统编教材编写工作推进会。公安部党委委员、政治部主任夏崇源同志出席会议并讲话,公安部人事训练局副局长樊京玉主持会议。公安部有关局级单位负责同志、统编教材主编和评审专家、各省级公安机关教育训练部门负责人、部分公安院校和训练基地及实战单位代表130人参加了会议。夏崇源主任在讲话中指出,当前,随着形势任务的发展变化,公安机关维护国家安全和社会稳定的任务更加繁重,对队伍能力素质的要求越来越高。训练大纲和教材是教育训练的基础条件,没有好的训练大纲和统编教材,就没有高质量的教育训练,就难以从源头上提升公安队伍的整体素质和实战本领。各有关单位既要充分肯定取得的阶段性成果,又要清醒认识面临的新任务、新要求,进一步增强责任感、使命感和紧迫感,加强组织领导、统筹协调 On February 10, 2015, the Ministry of Public Security held a national police training outline and a compilation of teaching materials compilation promotion meeting at the Chinese People’s Public Security University. Comrade Xia Chongyuan, member of the Ministry of Public Security Party Committee and director of the Political Department, attended the meeting and made a speech. Fan Jingyu, deputy director of the Personnel Training Authority of the Ministry of Public Security, presided over the meeting. Ministry of Public Security responsible for comrades at bureau level units, the compilation of textbooks editor and accreditation experts, the provincial public security organs of education and training department heads, some public security institutions and training bases and actual units 130 people attended the meeting. In his speech, Director Xia Chongyuan pointed out: At present, with the development and changes of the situation and tasks, the tasks of public security organs in safeguarding national security and social stability are more arduous, and their requirements on the ability and quality of their teams are getting higher and higher. Training outline and teaching materials are the basic conditions for education and training. Without a good training program and teaching materials, there is no high-quality education and training. Therefore, it is difficult to improve the overall quality and actual combat skills of the public security forces at the source. All relevant units should fully affirm the phased achievements they have made, clearly understand the new tasks and new requirements they face, and further enhance their sense of responsibility, sense of mission and urgency, strengthen their organizational leadership and overall coordination
目的探讨他汀类药物致肝损害的不同临床处理方法对患者的影响。方法 80例患者随机分为发生他汀类药物肝损害后减至最小维持量继续治疗组(A组)及发生他汀类药物肝损害后立即停
术后急性肾功能衰竭(postoperative acute renal failure,PO-ARF)是施行心脏、血管、腹部等大手术患者术后早期发生率较高的严重并发症,本文主要就PO-ARF的预防研究进展做一