1666年9月2日清晨二时,伦敦城最窄的巷之一——布丁巷(Pudding Lane)的国王面包烤房起火。由于天气炎热,气候干燥,拥挤的木构房屋燃起了熊熊大火,加上当时强劲的东风,火势很快蔓延全城。早晨八时,伦敦桥起火,火势沿泰晤士河岸向西迅速扩展。那天是星期日,大火燃烧了八小时后,仍无人组织灭火。上午十时,国王查尔斯二世得到报告,命令采取行动,但届时大火已成燎原之势,难以控制。到午夜,大火已沿河岸向西推动了0.8公里。尽管后来的几天中,人们采取了各种办法阻止大火的蔓延,
At 2 o’clock on the morning of September 2, 1666, one of the narrowest alleys in London, the king bread loft of Pudding Lane, caught fire. Due to the hot weather and the dry climate, the crowded wooden houses ignited a blazing fire. With the strong east wind at that time, the fire quickly spread throughout the city. At 8 o’clock in the morning, the London Bridge caught fire and the fire quickly expanded westward along the Thames. The day was Sunday and no fire was organized after the fire burned for eight hours. At 10 a.m., King Charles II received a report ordering him to take action, but at that time the fire had become an irritant and difficult to control. By midnight, the fire had driven 0.8 kilometers westward along the river bank. Although people used various methods to stop the spread of the fire in the following days,