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【编者按】源远流长的戏曲艺术,凝聚着一代又一代大师名家的智慧、才情和心血,是中华民族的文化瑰宝,演绎出的经典可谓是中华国粹。历久弥新的古老戏曲,始终以其独特的风韵显示出不可替代的艺术价值与魅力,形成具有高度综合的审美性。特别是它透过歌舞、动作、言语等表演和传达形式,创造舞台形象,展现感性的想象世界,给予我们超越真实的生命境域,与西方传统戏剧或其他门类艺术相比较,自有其迥然不同的艺术精神。作为艺术学研究领域中具有综合性门类艺术特征的戏曲,不仅涉及的艺术门类多样,而且有着丰富的艺术内涵,历来为研究者关注的重要对象。本刊提倡在深入个案研 [Editor’s note] Opera has a long history of art, condensed generation after generation master masters of wisdom, talent and effort, is the cultural treasures of the Chinese nation, the deduction of the classic can be described as the Chinese quintessence. The long-established ancient drama has always shown its irreplaceable artistic value and charm with its unique charm, forming a highly integrated aesthetic. In particular, through its performance and communication in the forms of song and dance, action and speech, it creates a stage image and displays a sensual world of imagination, giving us beyond the true realm of life. Compared with Western traditional theater or other kinds of art, it has its own distinctness Artistic spirit. As a kind of opera with the characteristics of a comprehensive kind of art in the field of art study, it not only involves various art categories but also has rich artistic connotation, which has always been an important object of concern to researchers. This magazine advocates in-depth case studies
本文针对汉语中的词组堆迭句,通过英汉对比的途径,分析它的特点、修辞效果及其所体现的汉语语言特征,并结合具体实践,探讨它在英汉翻译中的应用。 In this paper, we use th
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近几年全国各省市的高考题中,我们发现都加大了对连词应用的考查,情态动词更是每年必考的内容。本文将就这两点进行简要的分析。 In recent years, all provinces and citie
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