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深圳特区经济发展的一个显著特征,就是大量引进外商直接投资。“三资”企业工业产值高速增长(平均每年增长70%),占全市工业总产值的66.3%,其工业出口产值占全市工业出口总产值的78.3%,“三资”企业已成为深圳外向型经济的主体。实践证明,没有“三资”企业的发展,就没有特区今天的外向型经济。认真总结管理“三资”企业的经验,对提高“三资”企业的水平,对特区的进一步发展,对全国进一步扩大对外开放,都有着重要意义。本文就当前“三资”企业在管理与发展方面亟待回答和解决的问题谈一点看法。思考之一:正确认识“三资”企业的作用,是搞好“三资”企业管理与加快其发展的首要前提过去10年,深圳“三资”企业的发展取得了很大的成绩,但也暴露出一些问题。有的同志对此缺乏客观的分析,对问题看得比较多,对积极作用估计不足,有的甚至心存疑虑。这些问题不解决,势必阻碍引进工作的进一步发展,影响乃至动摇领导决策的决心。我们认为,引导大家从深层次认识“三资”企业的作用,这是一个值得各级重视的问题,也是关系到能否下大精力抓好“三资”企业管理的重要思想基础。从深圳 One of the distinctive features of Shenzhen’s economic development is the massive introduction of foreign direct investment. The industrial output value of the “three-funded” enterprises has been growing at a high rate (an average annual increase of 70%), accounting for 66.3% of the city’s total industrial output value. Its industrial output value accounts for 78.3% of the city’s total industrial output value. The “three foreign-funded” enterprises have become Shenzhen’s export-oriented type. The main body of the economy. Practice has proved that without the development of “triple-funded” enterprises, there will be no export-oriented economy in the SAR today. Seriously summing up the experience of managing “three foreign capital” enterprises will have an important significance in raising the level of “three foreign capital” enterprises, furthering the development of the SAR, and further expanding the country’s opening to the outside world. This article discusses some of the issues that need to be answered and resolved in the management and development of current “three-funded” enterprises. One of the considerations: A correct understanding of the role of “three foreign capital” enterprises is the primary prerequisite for doing a good job of “triple-funded” enterprise management and accelerating its development. Over the past 10 years, the development of “three-funded” enterprises in Shenzhen has achieved great results, but Also exposed some problems. Some comrades lack an objective analysis of this issue. They have seen more problems and have underestimated the positive effects. Some even have doubts. If these issues are not solved, they will certainly hinder the further development of the introduction work and influence or even shake the determination of the leadership decision-making. We believe that we should guide people to understand the role of “three foreign-funded” enterprises from a deep level. This is an issue worthy of attention of all levels and is also an important ideological foundation that concerns the ability to focus on the management of “three foreign capital” enterprises. From Shenzhen
说明:本文的分析中,东、中、西部划分如下: 东部包括北京、天津、河北、上海、浙江、江苏、福建、山东、广东、广西、海南 中部包括内蒙、山西、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、安徽、
以下简单阐述了自来水管道的施工工序,然后在此基础上分析探讨了施工的技术要点,并提出了施工质量的控制措施,以此提高自来水管道施工质量,为城市建设提供有利保障。 The fo