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一、评奖宗旨:这次评奖的宗旨是坚持四项基本原则,目的是为了进一步繁荣社会主义戏剧创作,奖励优秀剧本,鼓励剧作者为人民服务、为社会主义服务的创作热情,交流与总结优秀剧本的创作经验,不断提高剧本的思想水平和艺术质量。这次评奖是在全国范围内进行的,由各省、直辖市,自治区、中直和部队文化领导机关推荐,由领导、专家和群众相结合的剧本评奖。获奖剧本代表着我国当前剧本创作的较高水平。 First, the purpose of the award: The purpose of this award is to uphold the four cardinal principles, the purpose is to further the prosperity of socialist drama creation, rewards outstanding script, to encourage playwrights to serve the people, creative passion for socialism, exchange and summarize the outstanding Scenario writing experience, and constantly improve the script’s ideological level and artistic quality. This award is conducted nationwide and is recommended by the leading organs of provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous regions, and directly under the Central Government and units under the leadership of the cultural forces in the armed forces, and is judged by a combination of leadership, experts and the masses. The winning script represents the current level of scriptwriting in our country.
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“您叫我吗,主人?”  “原谅我,好孩子,你能不能暂时睁开一下你的倦眼,用你的乐器为我奏一两支曲子?”  读莎翁的历史剧《居里厄斯·凯撒》时,始终被英勇高贵的勃鲁托斯所吸引着,特别是天亮后就要上战场的他,因为难以入眠而提出的这一请求,更撩动了我的心弦,让我想起被围垓下时慷慨悲歌的项羽。  而项羽还好,歌数阙,有虞姬和之,为勃鲁托斯演奏的侍童因为太困,不仅那曲子奏出像睡着似的,还奏着奏着便睡着了,勃
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