平菇出菇期间,因种种不利因素常常出现幼菇萎缩黄烂现象,严重的造成大量死亡。防止措施主要有以下四条: (一)选种。菌种过于老化、生长能力差,往往促使用种量增加。这样,在菌丝尚未长满培养料时,菇床上过早出现菌种原基和幼菇,而此时菌丝生理上的转化还没有成熟,幼菇往往因得不到营养补充萎缩而枯死。因
Pleurotus fruiting period, due to various unfavorable factors often appear pleurotus litter rotten phenomenon, resulting in serious deaths. Preventive measures are mainly the following four: (A) selection. Strain too old, poor growth ability, often promote the use of increased species. In this way, when the mycelium has not yet covered with culture material, mushroom bed premature emergence of bacteria and young mushrooms, and at this time the physiological transformation of mycelium has not yet matured, young mushrooms often die of nutritional supplementation due to shrinking . because