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一、应用技术大学对《大学语文》建设的迫切需要“应用技术大学是具有职业教育特征的高等教育类型,同时,根据现代职教体系的建设要求,应用技术大学又是承担本科甚至更高层次职业教育任务的职业院校。因此,应用技术大学是拥有高等教育和职业教育双重特征的教育机构。”可以说,它是介于学术性研究型大学和高职院校之间的新型院校。一方面,它要求实践动手能力超过研究型大学,但另一方面,它强调理论基础方面强于高职院校。由于应用技术大学在我国处于发展初期,很多人还没能全面认清该类型大 First, the application of technology University of “College Chinese” urgent need for “University of Applied Technology is a type of higher education with vocational education characteristics, at the same time, according to the requirements of the construction of modern vocational education system, University of Applied Technology is undertaking even higher undergraduate Level occupation education task, therefore, the University of Applied Sciences is an educational institution with the dual characteristics of higher education and vocational education. ”" It can be said that it is a new type of university between academic research universities and vocational colleges Institutions. On the one hand, it requires more practical hands than research universities, but on the other hand, it emphasizes that theoretical fundamentals are stronger than higher vocational colleges. Since the University of Applied Sciences is in its early stages of development in China, many people have not been fully aware of this type of large
选自于:《论语·学而》   解读:人要学会温和、善良、恭谨、简朴、谦让。即:做人一定要有美好的德行。其实这正也是自古以来的做人之本。  《论语》有载:子禽问于子贡曰:“夫子至于是邦也,必闻其政,求之与?抑与之与?”子贡曰:“夫子温、良、恭、俭、让以得之。夫子之求之也,其诸异乎人之求之与?”  大意是说,子禽很好奇老师每到一个地方,人们一定会将当地的治政得失告诉他。因孔子谈起一个地方的治理方法,总是
本文对在杆群中流动的层流对流传热问题进行了研究。在边界拟合坐标系上应用有限分析法求得了数值解。针对 R_e数为16,98,160和320及 P_r 数为0.1,1和10等情况,求解了交错杆
The Shizishan copper-gold deposit at Tongling, Anhui Province consists of two mag-mato-hydrothermal mineralization types: the crypto-explosive breccia type and
Objective To determine at the mRNA level whether the MAGE-A1 and -A3 genes are expressed in cancer cell lines from salivary glands and relevant clinical carcin
Measurement of 228Ra activities in the upper 300 m water column was conducted at two stations in the South China Sea using an MnO2-fiber extraction/p-counting t
本文应用K—ε—E模型与有限解析法对二维方角门槽附近的流动情况进行了预测。计算实例表明与试验吻合较好。 In this paper, the K-ε-E model and the finite analytic me
(一) 流域自然地理概况池潭水电站在福建省闽江金溪流域,位于东经117°06’、北纬26°42’处。水库集水面积4766km~2。水库上游有建宁、泰宁县,下游有将乐、顺昌县,金溪河口
本文提出了一个适合于通航河道上电厂冷却水工程布置的Y型并列排取水口方案,并结合工程应用给出了模型试验成果以供电力建设参考。 In this paper, a scheme of Y-parallel