This article reports four cases of coccoid synovitis of the knee, two cases of symptoms of the knee before the emergence of sputum culture and skin biopsy confirmed coccidioidomycosis of the lungs and facial, trunk skin, and the other 2 Cases of primary, prior to the diagnosis of a joint symptoms were 16 years and 2 years. Clinical symptoms: affected area joint pain, joint swelling, joint cavity effusion, limited mobility, local skin temperature is not high, the symptoms can be intermittent. Diagnosis: If the patient has a history of disseminated coccidioidomycosis, synovial infection should be immediately thought of when there is an effusion of the joint. However, if history is negative and there are no other active lesions, it is difficult to make early diagnosis. However, laboratory tests are helpful for the diagnosis of the disease, including coccidiosis skin test, serum complement fixation test and fungal culture . The authors reported 4 cases of coccidioid skin test all positive. Make up