
来源 :河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asjkdhfjkhasdjklfhjk
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被称为中国产业关键之年的2006年,尤其引人关注。这一年,全国文化体制改革将由试点进入有计划有步骤全面推开的新阶段。当然,出版体制的改革任务艰巨,工作难度很大。改革中要坚持循序渐进的方针,要实事求是,一切从实际出发,但无论怎样,改革是中国出版业的必由之路。2006年岁末,河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)特邀编辑张文彦博士就2006年中国出版产业的发展状况先后访问了肖东发、张伯海和郝振省三位专家。采访主题围绕2006年中国出版业成就、热点现象以及问题事件展开,涉及到版权贸易的改观、传统出版业的转型、数字出版的崛起、编辑学科的建制与教育以及中关村价格战等方面,三位专家的论述,各有不同的角度与偏重,其独到的见解,引人思考。 The year 2006, known as the key year for China’s industry, is of particular concern. This year, the reform of the national cultural system will be piloted by the pilot into a new phase that has been planned and has a full-scale promotion. Of course, the task of reforming the publishing system is arduous and the work is very difficult. In the course of reform, we must adhere to the principle of gradual and orderly progress, seek truth from facts, and proceed from reality. However, reform must be the only way for China’s publishing industry. At the end of 2006, Dr. Zhang Wenyan, a guest editor of Journal of Hebei University (Philosophy and Social Science), visited three experts, namely Xiao Dongfa, Zhang Bohai and Hao Zhen, on the development of China’s publishing industry in 2006. The theme of the interview centered around the achievements of 2006 publishing industry in China, hot issues and issues related to the reform of copyright trade, the transformation of traditional publishing industry, the rise of digital publishing, the establishment of editorial disciplines and education and the price war in Zhongguancun, etc. The exposition of experts, each with different angles and emphasis, its unique insights, attract people’s thinking.
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