Objective: To estimate the prevalence of tuberculosis in Malawi students. Methods: Schools in 12 districts in Malawi were randomly selected for investigation. Children aged 6-11 in grades 1-4 are included in the survey. Tuberculin skin test in accordance with the WHO / International Federation of Prevention and Treatment of Pulmonary Diseases guidelines. Results: Of the 17 123 eligible children, 80% received skin tests. Of the children who performed the skin test, 79% retested the results. According to different standards, children without tuberculosis have a tuberculosis infection rate of 9% -12%. Skin test results ≥ 10mm response rate in girls than boys, the response rate increases with age, children with BCG card marks TB infection was higher than those without BCG. The estimated annual infection rate is between 0.6% and 1.4%. Conclusion: The tuberculosis infection rate in Malawi is 1%. This study will provide valuable baseline information for assessing the impact of Malaria HIV infection on tuberculosis transmission.