,Robotic Iiver surgery: technicaI aspects and review of the Iiterature

来源 :肝胆外科与营养 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duzhanghuaduzhanghua
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Minimally invasive surgery for liver resections has a defined role and represents an accepted alteative to open techniques for selected cases. Robotic technology can overcome some of the disadvantages of the laparoscopic technique, mainly in the most complex cases. Precise dissection and microsuturing is possible, even in narrow operative fields, allowing for a better dissection of the hepatic hilum, fine lymphadenectomy, and biliary reconstruction even with small bile ducts and easier bleeding control. This technique has the potential to allow for a greater number of major resections and difficult segmentectomies to be performed in a minimally invasive fashion. The implementation of near-infrared fluorescence with indocyanine green (ICG) also allows for a more accurate recognition of vascular and biliary anatomy. The perspectives of this kind of virtually implemented imaging are very promising and may be reflected in better outcomes. The overall data present in current literature suggests that robotic liver resections are at least comparable to both open and laparoscopic surgery in terms of perioperative and postoperative outcomes. This article provides technical details of robotic liver resections and a review of the current literature.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide, and it is well accepted that the poor outcome of HCC patients amon
目的 了解三趾跳鼠是否感染鼠疫情况.方法 采用解剖、细菌培养、镜检、间接血凝试验.结果 捕获7只三趾跳鼠均为阴性.结论 在黄鼠、小型鼠等生境活动范围中三趾跳鼠往来其各个
目的 了解驻京某部服务从业人员HBsAg阳性检出率情况,为更好地对服务经营单位进行有效的卫生监督和指导提供切实可行的依据.方法 采集受检者925份血样2mL分离血清,用酶联免疫
目的 了解我县城区常见蝇类携带病原菌及其耐药状况.方法 采用诱蝇笼诱捕法诱捕苍蝇,对常见 蝇类携带大肠菌群、细菌菌落数和病原菌及其耐药状况进行检测.结果 6月蝇密度最高