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双丝间接电弧气体保护焊是一种新的焊接方法,具有应用前景和研究价值。焊枪是此焊接方法的关键的部件之一,焊枪的结构设计决定了整个焊接过程的稳定性及焊后效果。焊枪的结构参数主要包括两焊丝夹角大小、两焊丝的伸出长度、气体保护罩形状及尺寸等,夹角的大小在某种程度上决定了焊丝的伸出长度,本文主要针对两焊丝夹角和气体保护罩形状和尺寸两参数的选择,利用高速摄像系统观测并拍摄由两焊丝夹角变化引起的电弧形态变化;利用有限元分析程序ANSYS/FLOTRAN模块对不同形状及尺寸的保护罩内气流流态进行模拟,最终确定较合适的焊枪设计参数。 Double-wire indirect arc gas shielded welding is a new welding method, with application prospects and research value. Welding torch is one of the key components of the welding method. The structural design of welding torch determines the stability of the welding process and the effect of welding. The structural parameters of the torch mainly include the size of the angle between the two welding wires, the protruding length of the two welding wires, the shape and size of the gas protective cover, and the size of the angle determines the extending length of the welding wire to some extent. In this paper, Angle and gas shield shape and size of the choice of two parameters, the use of high-speed camera system to observe and shoot changes in the angle between the two wires caused by changes in the arc shape; finite element analysis program ANSYS / FLOTRAN modules of different shapes and sizes within the protective cover Airflow flow simulation, and ultimately determine the more appropriate torch design parameters.
门球比赛一杆定胜负的战例屡见不鲜。最近笔者观看了一场老年门球锦标赛,真是扣人心弦、发人深省。离终场还剩2分钟时,红方以8:13落后。场上态势如下图所示: Gate match a
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该文研究了水曲柳 (FraxinusmandshuricaRupr .)木材发生Ⅰ型断裂时裂纹尖端的应力场应力强度因子的情况 .借助美国大型通用有限元分析软件NASTRAN计算出裂纹尖端附近的应力