EDITORIAL Hobson’s Choice

来源 :生物医学与环境科学:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahjon
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Physicians of old described opium as like the finger of God; it can heal and it can smite, referring to its pain-relieving analgesic properties and its addiction. Sir Alexander Fleming pointed to the antibiotic properties of substances produced by the Pen
转眼间我已从教12年,其间所取得的成绩微不足道.  近两年,常有一种难捺的情绪搅得我难以静心工作.做事不耐烦、易怒、疏于交往,有时还无缘无故陷入一种不能自拔的消沉状态.
<正> With a grant from the Italian Ministry of the Environment, the National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanit&#224;) promoted and coordinated so