
来源 :中国科技财富 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deansam
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垄断之害让中国经济阵痛.有专家说,如果中国彻底打破垄断,废除不必要的行政审批,中国的GDP在未来几年将至少再增长30%!然而,由于中国独特的行政性垄断,致使中国反垄断之路充满坎坷.《反垄断法》虽然胎动16年之久,但时至今日,仍处于躁动之期 记者从起草小组成员获悉,《反垄断法》草案仍处在征求意见稿的修改酝酿阶段,还未上报国务院法制局审核,何时呈请全国人大审议还是未知数.草案共有八章五十八条,包括四大部分:禁止垄断协议、禁止滥用市场支配地位控制企业合并和禁止行政垄断.“,”The damage of monopoly has caused Chinese economy a great deal of pain. Some experts say that if China completely breaks up monopoly and abolishs the unnecessary administrative examination and approval procedure, China's GDP will at least grow another 30% in the future years. However, the unique adminstrative monopoly of China makes the road of anti-monopoly full of thrones. Although the Anti-Monopoly law has been brewed for 16 years, it is still in the period of preparation. Our reporter has heard from the member of drafting committee that the draft of Anti-Monopoly Law is still in the stage of collecting opinions and making modification, and hasn't been submitted to the Jural Bureau for auditing and approval. It is unknow when it would be sent to the National People's Congress for further consideration. The draft is composed of four parts, including eight chapters and 58 items: the prohibition of monopoly agreement; forbidding the abuse of market dominance; the control of enterprise mergers; the prohibition of adminstrative monology.
在西方发达国家是先有商业再有地产,而在中国却是先有地产再有商业,这种先后顺序的倒置,极大地降低了中国商业地产项目的成功率.“,”Real estate developers are optimistic
随着能源的上涨,化肥价格不断走高.为了确保农业生产,国家不断出台限价政策.但从结果看,市场最终固执地捅破了政策的壁垒……“,”Since the end of 2003, the prices of che
At present time,there is evidence from randomized controlled studies of the success of laparoscopic resection for the treatment of colon cancer with reported sm
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本文研究了高能核碰撞中的粒子关联。首先将高能核碰撞分为三个能量区域,然后逐一研究其规律与特点,并分别计算其关联。本文重点是运用Q ̄(-r)K_r(Q)分布研究核碰撞中B-E关联,并对实验数据进行拟