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阅读理解主要用来考查学生的阅读速度、理解能力和记忆能力。有的采用一个句子,有的采用一段文章或整篇文章。内容广泛,题材各异。以题目的难易程度分析,人们常常把它们分为表层理解和深层理解。所谓表层理解就是对文中的客观事实的感知和记忆;所谓深层理解就是根据文中的客观事实,在认真思考后进行逻辑推理、总结或概括,得出结论。要培养学生的阅读理解的能力,除了要注重学生平时的知识积累外,同时也要提高学生的解题技巧和方法,通过我 Reading comprehension is mainly used to examine students’ reading speed, comprehension ability and memory ability. Some use a sentence, and some use an article or the entire article. A wide range of topics vary. To analyze the difficulty of the title, people often divide them into superficial understanding and deep understanding. The so-called superficial understanding is the perception of the objective facts and memory of the text; the so-called deep understanding is based on the objective facts of the article, after careful consideration of logical reasoning, concluded or summarized, concluded. To develop students’ reading comprehension ability, in addition to pay attention to the accumulation of students’ usual knowledge, but also to improve students’ problem solving skills and methods, through me
尽管与 Windows 兼容的最新手持式设备外表上看起来没有多大的变化,但是,它们的性能有了很大的提高,应用前景也更加光明。 Although the latest Windows-compatible handse
The workshop on key analysis method and large- scale facilities application in the project of Major Re- search Plan“Study on the Signal Conduction Process Base
10月15日获悉:在第82届中国出口商品交易会上,北大方正赢得了累计1.5亿美元的出口合同,这是北大方正参加广交会以来赢得的最大规模的订单。 It was learned on October 15:
“AB neg AB”格式松散,变化形式多样。正因如此,研究界关于这一格式的争论很多,还有很多悬而未决的问题。本文主要就以下两个问题作一些探索性研究:一、“A neg AB”格式的
Clarity和Netscape公司协议在Netscape的通信产品中加入Clarity的传真软件MagicFaxIt,这一协议将为用户降低电话费用并能提高工作效率。 Clarity的官员说:“一般说来,企业电
SGI继1996年创MIPS芯片1920万片发货量纪录,从而使MIPS芯片成为市场数量最多的RISC处理器之后,1997年将在三个递进系列的64位处理器即MIPS R12000、H1和H2中,解决存储器带宽