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云南广播电视大学承办的亚洲开放大学协会第20届年会10月12日至14日在昆明世博花园酒店隆重召开,来自22个国家和地区的300多位代表参加了年会。中国科协副主席、中国工程院院士、原教育部副部长韦钰,亚洲开放大学协会主席、中央广播电视大学校长葛道凯,原联合国教科文组织教育事务助理总干事、英国开放大学前任校长、英联邦学习共同体主席总裁约翰丹尼尔爵士等国内外远程教育专家亲临年会,国务委员陈至立和教育部部长周济为年会发来贺信,云南省委副书记、云南省教育改革领导小组组长丹增、省财政厅、省教育厅、省外办的相关领导出席了开幕式并亲切会见了出席年会的各位专家学者。亚洲开放大学协会(AAOU)目前拥有来自亚洲、非洲、澳洲、欧洲及美洲的67所成员院校的正式会员和与正式会员,来自会员单位的远程教育专家齐聚本届年会,围绕“开放与远程教育中选择使用新技术的反思和展望:战略、成本、效益、效果”的主题研讨,这不仅对亚洲地区、而且对世界范闱的开放和远程教育发展与共同进步都具有重要意义。业洲开放大学协会第20届年会组委会主席、云南广播电视大学校长邵南教授在致词中感谢AAOU执委会对云南广播电视大学的信任。作为中国两南边陲的一所省级开放大学,获得这样的承办机会深感荣幸。两年来云南电大人兢兢业业,充分准备,恭候各位代表的光临。她深信在各位参会专家的共同努力下,本届年会一定会获得丰硕成果,并对亚太地区乃至全球的现代远程教育的发展产生巨大而深远的影响。云南省委副书记、云南省教育改革领导小组组长丹增在讲话中表示:要紧紧抓住这次亚洲开放大学协会2006年年会在云南召开的难得机会,好好学习,虚心请教,结合云南实际,勇于探索,而向世界、面向未来、而向现代化,走创新之路发展云南,实施云南现代远程教育工程,形成开 The 20th Annual Conference of Asian Association of Open Universities hosted by Yunnan Radio and Television University was grandly held in the World Expo Garden Hotel in Kunming from October 12 to October 14. Over 300 delegates from 22 countries and regions attended the annual meeting. Wei Yu, former vice chairman of China Association of Science and Technology, former vice minister of Ministry of Education, chairman of Association of Asian Open Universities, president of China Radio and Television University, Ge Daokai, former Director General of Education Affairs of UNESCO, former president of UCLan and Commonwealth of Britain Chairman of the Learning Community, Sir John Daniel, and other domestic and foreign distance education experts attended the Annual Meeting. State Councilor Chen Zhili and Minister of Education Zhou Ji sent a congratulation message for the conference. Deputy Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Committee and leader of Yunnan Provincial Education Reform Leader Tenzin, The leaders of Finance Department, Provincial Department of Education and Provincial Foreign Affairs Office attended the opening ceremony and cordially met with all the experts and scholars attending the annual meeting. AAOU now has full membership of 67 member institutions from Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe and the Americas, as well as distance education experts with formal members and member units gathered at this annual conference. And Reflections on and Prospects of Choosing to Use New Technologies in Distance Education: Strategy, Cost, Effectiveness and Effectiveness. "This is not only of great significance to the development and progress of open and distance education both in Asia and the rest of the world. In his speech, Professor Shao Nan, Chairman of Organizing Committee of the 20th Anniversary of Association for Open University of Utopia, and President of Yunnan Radio and Television University, thanked AAOU Executive Committee for his trust in Yunnan Radio and Television University. As a provincial open university on both sides of the south of China, it is a great honor to get such a host of opportunities. Yunnan Dadong two years dedicated, fully prepared, waiting for the presence of deputies. She is convinced that with the joint efforts of all participating experts, this year’s conference will surely yield fruitful results and will have a profound and far-reaching impact on the development of modern distance education in the Asia Pacific region and the world at large. Deputy Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Committee and Leading Minister of Education Leading Group of Yunnan Province, Dan Zeng, said in his speech: We should seize this golden opportunity of 2006 Annual Meeting of Asian Open University Association held in Yunnan, study hard and humbly consult with Yunnan In fact, the courage to explore, and to the world, the future, and to the modernization, take the road of innovation in the development of Yunnan, Yunnan, the implementation of modern distance education project, the formation of open
从前,有一棵枫树。他是一棵高大的树,是由一颗绿豆大小的种子长成的。他有很多朋友。他很快乐。  当他是一颗小种子的时候,他有一些小种子的朋友。  每颗小种子的身体里都藏着一个梦想。每一个梦想他都知道。  有一个小种子朋友想把自己种在高山上,因为他喜欢风,想听风流浪的故事。  有一个小种子朋友想把自己捎给北方的鸟,因为他想去看看北方的雪。  有一个小种子朋友想把自己种在城市里,因为他喜欢热闹,想听城市
早晨,太阳公公还躲在温暖舒适的云朵里偷懒着呢!小灰兔和小白兔就早早起床了,他们挎着小竹篮,哼着欢乐的小曲,沿着崎岖的小路一起上山挖野菜。  太阳公公渐渐爬上了树梢,小灰兔和小白兔一起登上了小山坡,看到了满山遍野全是野菜和小花,还有小蘑菇呢,小灰兔和小白兔可开心了。  “好漂亮的红蜻蜓呀!”突然,小白兔大叫起来,撇下小竹篮飞也似地追了过去。  “在哪里?红蜻蜓在哪里?”小灰兔也紧跟着追了过去。  红
有个小妖精,它每天背着一个大口袋。到哪儿也不放下大口袋,连晚上睡觉都把大口袋放在床边。  森林里的小动物们都觉得很奇怪,这个大口袋里到底是什么?  小松鼠问小妖精:“喂,小妖精,你把你的大口袋打开给我们瞧一瞧,好吗?只瞧一瞧哦。”  小妖精连忙捂住大口袋说:“这哪儿行啊?我们妖精的口袋,就是我们的大魔法袋子,要是打开了,给你瞧了,就不灵了。”  小妖精越是这么说,大家越是想知道它的大口袋里到底藏着
叫喊,撒钱,挥刀,咬人,自残……长途列车乘客频发旅途性精神疾病,险象环生,长途列车几成 “惊险列车”; 受恶劣的购票、候车、乘车环境影响,一些平日里积聚的非正常心理因素往
当我们翻开中国远征军指挥系统表时,会发现,在远征军的重要将领中,有众多黄埔师生,他们是远征军的核心人物,为同盟国在印缅战场上取得胜利立下了汗马功劳—— When we open