Study Cycle of Postal Services in Medium Sized Towns Convened in Suzhou

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“The Study Cycle of Post Service in the Medium-Sized Towns”jointly sponsored by the Ministryof Posts and Telecommunications of the People’s Republic of China and Universal Postal Union be-gan on Nov.1,1983 in Suzhou and closed on Nov.15 in Beijing.Besides China,countries represented at the meeting are nine developing countries and six developedcountries.They are the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,India,Malaysia,Nepal,Pakistan,Papia New Guinea,Philippines,Srilanka,Thailand,Federal Republic of Germany,Australia,Canada,The United Kingdom,France and the United States.25 postal officials and experts from those coun-tries were seated together with over 40 representatives from 28 provinces and autonomous regions “The Study Cycle of Post Service in the Medium-Sized Towns” jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the People’s Republic of China and Universal Postal Union be-gan on Nov.1,1983 in Suzhou and closed on Nov.15 in Beijing.Besides China, countries represented at the meeting are nine developing countries and six advanced countries. They are the People People Republic of Korea, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papia New Guinea, Philippines, Srilanka, Thailand, Federal Republic of Germany, Australia, Canada, The United Kingdom, France and the United States.25 postal officials and experts from those coun tries were seated together with over 40 representatives from 28 provinces and autonomous regions
[关 键 词] 食用菌栽培与加工技术;课程改革;实践  [中圖分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)13-0023-01  大兴安岭职业学院是一所公办全日制综合性普通高等院校,是黑龙江省骨干高等职业院校之一,也是大兴安岭地区产业人才培训基地。学院突出人才培养的针对性和实用性,坚持“教学与岗位衔接”为教改切入点,建立了“基于工作过程”“双证融通”的课程体
The year 1983 was“World CommunicationsYear”proclaimed by the 36th United NationsGeneral Assembly with the aim of pro-moting“Development of Communication In-