
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taodenmy
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词汇的积累是英语学习的一个方面,是最为基础也非常重要的一个方面。各种考试的难易程度往往是通过它所要求掌握的词汇数量来衡量的。自学考试尤为如此。而自考生作为一个特殊的学习群体,单词记忆往往困难重重。其中原因主要是学习方法不当,没有找到行之有效的单词记忆法。本文 The accumulation of vocabulary is an aspect of English learning, and it is one of the most fundamental and important aspects. The degree of difficulty in various exams is often measured by the number of vocabularies it requires. This is especially true of the self-paced exam. Self-examination students as a special learning group, the word memory is often difficult. The main reason for this is improper learning methods, and no effective word memory method was found. This article
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