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为了探明杂交粳稻及其亲本千粒重与产量、品质的关系,以4个千粒重介于23.1~28.0 g之间的BT型不育系和24个千粒重介于18.1~32.0 g之间的三系粳稻恢复系,采用p×q不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)设计,配制96个杂交组合为试验材料,对F1千粒重优势表现、F1千粒重与亲本千粒重及其与产量、品质性状间的相关性进行分析,确定高产优质兼顾的杂交粳稻的千粒重范围。结果表明:(1)56.3%的杂交组合千粒重超过其双亲平均值,19.8%的杂交组合千粒重表现正向超亲优势;(2)F1千粒重与母本千粒重、父本千粒重、双亲千粒重平均值的相关性均达极显著水平(r=0.33**、0.71**、0.78**),且恢复系千粒重对杂种的影响大于不育系;(3)F1千粒重、父本千粒重及双亲千粒重平均值与组合单株产量的相关性均达极显著水平(r=0.55**、0.47**、0.51**),母本千粒重与组合单株产量相关不显著;(4)F1千粒重、父本千粒重与糙米率、精米率、整精米率、垩白粒率、粒长、粒宽均呈极显著正相关,与透明度呈显著正相关,母本千粒重与垩白粒率、垩白度、粒长均呈极显著正相关,与粒宽呈显著正相关;(5)杂交粳稻育种中具有高产优质兼顾的F1千粒重范围应在25.1~27.0 g之间。 In order to investigate the relationship between the 1000-grain weight and the yield and quality of japonica hybrid rice and their parents, four BT lines with a thousand-grain weight of 23.1-28.0 g and 24 lines of three-line japonica rice with a grain weight of 18.1-32.0 g Restorer line, using p × q incomplete diallel cross (NCⅡ) design, 96 hybrid combinations were made as test materials, the F1 1000-grain weight performance, F1 grain weight and 1000-grain weight and its correlation with yield and quality traits were analyzed , To determine high-yielding and high-quality hybrid japonica rice grain weight range. The results showed that: (1) The 1000-grain weight of 56.3% of the crosses exceeded the average value of the parents, and the 19.8% of the 1000-grain weight of the crosses showed positive super-parents; (2) (R = 0.33 **, 0.71 **, 0.78 **), and the effect of 1000-grain weight of restorer line on hybrids was greater than that of CMS lines. (3) The average of 1000-grain weight, 1000-grain weight and 1000-grain weight of parents (R = 0.55 **, 0.47 **, 0.51 **). The 1000-grain weight of the female parent was not significantly correlated with the yield of the combined plant. (4) The F1-1000-grain weight, the 1000-grain weight of the male parent And brown rice rate, milled rice rate, milled rice rate, chalky grain rate, grain length, grain width were significant positive correlation, and the transparency was significantly positively correlated, the female thousand kernel weight and chalky grain rate, chalkiness, grain length (5) The range of F1 grain weight with high yield and good quality in hybrid japonica rice breeding should be between 25.1-27.0 g.
如果不相信这个世界上有圣诞老人,请看电影《极地快车》(The Polar Express,2003)。如果想感受一下新年新希望,请看本文。还记得吗“?I believe!”才能听见铃儿响叮当哦。祝
不光我们的脸会出现皱纹,自然界中到处都是褶皱:大到喜马拉雅山,小到DNA,万物都被折叠着。    无处不在的褶皱     皱纹在皮肤上画出深深的印记,有些直得就像是用尺画出的,而有些则弯弯曲曲。当我们面对镜子做鬼脸的时候,就能完全控制脸上的各种“地形”。而一旦恢复原状,我们就会意识到,原来主宰我们的脸的其实不是我们自己,而是生活。岁月在我们的脸上留下了它的印记——皱纹。   接受皱纹也不是天生的,
某日我挑灯夜读,忽见对床同学坐了起来,双手呈接水状,抬起头,嘴里念着:“下吧,下吧,我要开花。”    寝室某MM夜半坐起,大叫:“我爱拉芳!”    深夜,其他人都睡了,我在看书,对床的同学突然坐起,平静地说道:“那花儿朵朵绽放……”我愣了数秒后问她:“你干吗?”对方无语,倒下继续睡。2分钟后,她又突然坐起,说:“那甜蜜好似蜂糖……”     高一的时候,偶一同学(她睡的是上铺)起来上厕所,刚爬