Determination of stacking fault energies in a high-Nb TiAl alloy at 298 K and 1273 K

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drhxumingzhu
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The stacking fault energies of Ti-46Al-8.5Nb-0.2W alloy at 298 K and 1273 K were determined. The principle for the determination of the stacking fault energies is based on the fact that the stacking fault energy and the elastic interaction energy acting on the dissociated partial dislocations are equal. After the compress deformations with the strain of 0.2% at 298 K and 1273 K, and water quench to maintain the dislocation structures deformed at 1273 K, the dissociation distances between two partial dislocations were determined by weak beam transmission electron microscopy (WBTEM) technique. Based on these dissociation distances and the corresponding calculation method, the stacking fault energies were determined to be 77-81 mJ/m2 at 298 K and to be 57-60mJ/m2 at 1273 K respectively. The stacking for energies of based on Ti-46Al-8.5Nb-0.2W alloy at 298 K and 1273 K were determined. The principle for the determination of the stacking fault energies is based on the fact that the stacking fault energy and the elastic interaction energy acting on the dissociated partial dislocations are equal. After the compress deformations with the strain of 0.2% at 298 K and 1273 K, and water quench to maintain the dislocation structures deformed at 1273 K, the dissociation distances between two partial dislocations were determined by weak beam Transmission electron microscopy (WBTEM) technique. Based on these dissociation distances and the corresponding calculation method, the stacking fault energies were determined to be 77-81 mJ / m2 at 298 K and to be 57-60 mJ / m2 at 1273 K respectively.
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