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本期推出的一组文章,是作家们为国庆六十周年的放歌与献礼。六十年,人生的一个甲子;六十年,历史长河中的一朵浪花。1949—2009,中华人民共和国走过了整整六十年的辉煌历程。这六十年,是中国从一个积贫积弱、百废待兴的国家,一跃成为国内生产总值和综合国力均居世界第四位的社会主义强国的六十年;是中国人民从饥寒交迫、水深火热之中被解放出来,而今过上小康生活的六十年;是五千年文明古国重新焕发勃勃生机,中华民族迈向伟大复兴的六十年。六十年间,长江黄河的波涛,聆听了祖国铿锵前行的脚步;茫茫昆仑,巍巍长城,见证了祖国日新月异的面貌;神舟飞船的优美轨迹,演绎出祖国日益上升的尊严;改革开放三十年的伟大实践,奥运圣火的熊熊燃烧,透露出伟大民族复兴的曙光……我们和你一起点亮生日的蜡烛,许一个心愿,祝福祖国母亲永远美丽富足! The current issue of a series of articles, is a writer for the sixtieth anniversary of the song and gift. Sixty years, a life of a Jiazi; sixty years, a long history of a spray. From 1949 to 2009, the People's Republic of China passed a brilliant course of 60 years. In the past 60 years, China has become a socialist power with a gross domestic product and comprehensive national strength ranking the fourth in the world. Cold and heat, hunger and cold are liberated, and now live a well-to-do life of sixty years; five thousand years of ancient civilization is full of vitality, the Chinese nation toward the great rejuvenation of six decades. During the 60 years, the waves of the Yellow River in the Yangtze River have listened to the sonorous steps of the motherland. The vast Kunlun Mountains and the Great Wall have witnessed the ever-changing appearance of the motherland. The beautiful trajectory of the Shenzhou spacecraft has deduced the rising dignity of the motherland. The burning of the Olympic Flame, revealing the dawn of the great national rejuvenation ... We lit up the birthday candle with you, making a wish and blessing the motherland forever beautiful and rich!
A method for evaluating the regrowth drug resistance in relapsed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) was developed. Drug sensitivity and proliferation of leukemi
在形形色色的昆虫世界里,蝉还是一个寿星老儿呢。有的小朋友可能会说,不对呀,每年到不了中秋节,蝉的叫声就听不到了,也看不到它们的踪影了,怎么能算是寿星老儿呢? 其实,每年