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在前我们是没有所谓“竞争”而只有”竞赛”的.查阅词典:“竞赛”指“互相比赛,争取优胜”;“竞争”则是“为了自己的利益而跟人争胜”.有词典还把“竞争”定义为“商品经济发展的必然现象,价值规律得以贯彻和实现的条件”,具有“大鱼吃小鱼、尔虞我诈、弱肉强食等特点”,听起来还真有点寒毛凛凛的.一句话,“竞赛”好,“竞争”坏.可当“竞赛”用于“军备竞赛”时也就未必能称好事吧?!而且,改革开放特别自转向市场经济起,“竞争”便用得多起来,早已烂熟于耳,而“竞赛”除了文体领域之外,反而日见其疏了.扑朔迷离,究竟何以为是呢?其实,无论“竞赛”还是“竞争”,用英请表达主要是Competition一词,词根“Com”为“Together”,“相同、相互”之意,“petere”为“to seek”,“寻找、探索”(胜利)也.常用英汉词典的释义都为“竞争”、“竞(比)赛”.可见,竞争、竟赛的基本含义是相通的,只是当时强调社会不同而表达也就不同罢了. In the past, we had no “competition” but only “contest.” Look up the dictionary: “competition” means “to compete with each other, and strive for winning”; “competition” is “to fight against people for their own interests.” The definition of “competition” as “an inevitable phenomenon in the development of commodity economy and the conditions under which the law of value can be implemented and realized.” It has “characteristics of eating large fish, killing fish, and killing meat, and forbidding food”. It sounds a bit chilly. “Competition” is good, and “competition” is bad. But when the “race” is used in an “arms race”, it may not be able to say good things?! Moreover, since the reform and opening up has shifted to a market economy in particular, “competition” will be used much more. It has long been ripe for the ears, and the “race” is not only the field of stylistic, but also see its sparse. Bewildering, what exactly is it? In fact, regardless of the “race” or “competition”, with the British please express is mainly Competition The word “Com” is “Together”, “Identical, mutual” meaning, “petere” is “to seek”, “Searching, Exploring” (victory) is also. The common definition of English-Chinese dictionaries is “competition”, “Sports Competition”. Available Competition, racers basic meaning is the same, but was rather different emphasis on the expression of social will vary.
1993年9月29日,美国总统克林顿与美国克莱斯勒、福特和通用三大汽车公司负责人共同宣布,美国联邦政府将与三大汽车公司合作开发节能效益高、环保效果好的新一代汽车。 这项
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