Differences of mortality education between China and the West

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  ◆Abstract:Mortality education is ineluctable because only when we think of death can we learn how to live better. This paper will discuss the differences between Chinese and western education, focus on comparing the historical factors of the differences between Chinese and Western, so as to help integrate Chinese and western death education resources and experience eliminate the barriers between Chinese and western cultural exchanges.
  1 Introduction
  1.1 Background
  In Chinese traditional concept, "death" is a very taboo word. When a child asks a question about death, parents often respond with fairytale-like stories or simply ignore them. Death is the inevitable end of life, and there is no escape for everyone. Our thinking of "death" is our grasp of "life". Thus, death education is ineluctable. Death education developed from the rise of thanatology. The concept of thanatology was first proposed by the Russian scientist Aleckchenko (1903). He pointed out that enhanced research on "thanatology" and "gerontology" will help alleviate human suffering and thus improve people's quality of life (Aleckchenko,1903). Roswell Park, an American professor, pointed out that the concept of "thanatology" has been around since the beginning of the 20th century (Park,1912). The systematic and in-depth study of thanatology by professor Roswell Park in the United States began in the 1950s. In 1959, The Meaning of Death, regarded as the world's first and most representative work on thanatology, was published, marking the beginning and trend towards popularization of death education (Wu,2019). Subsequently, since 1960, death education has been listed as a compulsory course in schools of all levels and types in America, which has become the focus of modern pedagogy in Europe and Japan. In the 1990s, death education was introduced into Taiwan and Hong Kong and gradually spread (Wu, 2019). In recent years, China's aging population, rising rate of suicide among teenagers, lagging hospice care for patients, and the legitimacy of euthanasia have attracted increasing attention. It is only now that our country has become increasingly aware of the urgency of death education.
  1.2 Significance
  The significance of death education lies in that it will help individuals establish a scientific and healthy view of death and eliminate people's fear and anxiety about death, so as to assist individuals to establish a positive and optimistic outlook on life, cherish life, and eventually respect life(Fu, 2006). This paper will discuss the differences between Chinese and western education, focus on comparing the historical factors of the differences between Chinese and Western, explore the conflicts between different civilizations and different nations so as to seek the unified stand of human beings on the equality and peace of life and reflect the influence of Chinese culture on the world culture from contradictions, so as to finally achieve the goal of helping to integrate Chinese and western death education resources and experience and eliminating the barriers between Chinese and western cultural exchanges..   2 Discussion
  2.1 phenomenon
  When it comes to disaster relief and respect for life, China and the West once again have disagreement on the "death or democracy" issue. When COVID-19 broke out in 2020, China first managed to limit the number of domestic infections to around 80,000 in just three months (NetEase News). But in the west, some people have not only expressed great dissatisfaction with the government's call to wear a mask as the epidemic spirals out of control and the death toll rises, but have also accused China of "restricting human rights". In the face of death, Chinese and Western people show opposite attitudes. What we have to do is find out the causes of this kind of conflict.
  2.2 reasons
  Why are there such differences between China and the West closely related to the differences in the core dimensions of Chinese and Western history and culture.
  ‘In the first issue of Death Education in the United States in 1977, Dr. Newzeen analyzed that the rise of death education in the U.S. is not accidental, which is closely related to the value orientation that empathizes youth, achievement, health, individualism, self-control in American culture (Zheng,2000:42).’ The rise of western civilization in the Renaissance and enlightenment period has been shrouded in the color of humanism. At that time, the core of ideological trend was to take people as the center advocates free and democratic thought, explore the meaning of humans in this life, and advocate the sacredness of private property. Therefore, after thousands of years of evolution, the west has always been ahead of the rest in the discussion of individual life, so it's franker to face the issue of death.
  But Chinese education is different. As a matter of fact, ‘the life and death education in colleges and universities is carried out under the overall framework of moral education in colleges and universities at present. In particular, the education of life and death in Chinese colleges and universities is more named life education, less about death. China's life and death education is oriented by morality and ethics, so it pays more attention to issues related to life in content. Such as outlook on life, the value of life, the meaning of life, the relationship between man and society, the relationship between man and nature and so on.
  View of traditional Chinese, with emphasis on "every hair and skin on body is given by the parents", focuses on the social value of life pursuit, ignores the individual value of life and more attention to the value of individual life in collective life, which is advocated by today’s collectivism view and the use of "cosmopolitism" in the world. Consequently, under the influence of such historical accumulation and social norms, the death education in modern China was not as open and developed as that in the west. However, in the cognition of Chinese traditional culture, there is also the awe of death and the emphasis on the continuation of national life. For example, in China's Tomb-sweeping Day, Cold Clothing Festival and other traditional festivals with the theme of communicating life and death and offering sacrifices to ancestors and ancestral temple culture, the existence and continued reproduction of life are also constantly being narrated.   3 Suggestions
  In terms of education in the face of death, the West does have a more advancing understanding, but obviously, in this epidemic we have also seen that the west's calm and highly respected death and individualism cannot solve the problem in practice. Of course, the lack of death education in China also leads to many social problems, which still needs efforts to conquer.
  While we should change the traditional taboo in death education, we should also spread the "cosmopolitism" and the collective view derived from it, and actively promote the peaceful and friendly exchange of Chinese and Western culture.
  Academically, we should show our rich historical picture to the world, emphasizing that life and death and freedom are never binary opposition. On the contrary, survival and freedom support each other to form a complete life. Through the commemoration of ancestors and respect for life, death education should be performed, individual and group members should be continuously constructed, collective sense of belongings should be confirmed and the meaning of life existence should be conveyed and the core of love and respect inherited.
  4 Conclusion
  The view of death enables us to have a deeper understanding of the dialectical relationship between man and nature, between man and society, between man and others, and between man and himself, so as to better value individual life, respect the life of others, treat nature well, and create a harmonious and dynamic life relationship.
  The history of Chinese and the Western concept of position and education level differs, even if it is caused by many aspects, but also due to the accumulation of the history we do not fully realize the development of harmonious and unified, but with the passage of time, the Chinese and Western cultural exchange grows, the improvement of China's international status, we believe China has the ability to improve its internal cultural level and make up for its shortcomings in education. At the same time, we can tell Chinese Stories well on the world stage and promote a positive outlook on life and death.
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◆摘 要:互动教学是高中物理课堂教学重要的模式之一。本文旨在研究在高中物理课堂教学中,通过创新设计分组教学模式、开展实验互动、设计发散性问题等方式,强化师生互动、人人互动和人物互动,从而激发学生的求学兴趣,活跃课堂教学氛围,引导学生积极主动参与物理学科知识研讨,不断提升课堂教学质效。  ◆关键词:高中物理;互动;课堂;教学  互动课堂是指在课堂教学中,师生聚焦所要实现的教学目标,进行充分研讨、彼此
◆摘 要:课堂提问在初中数学课堂教学中起着至关重要的作用,是一种有效连接教师与学生之间教与学的纽带。掌握提问方法,提高提问技巧是初中数学教学课堂中一种重要的技能。本文结合教学实践,从教材、课堂、学生、反思等方面进行课堂有效设疑的研究。  ◆关键词:课堂教学;提问;方法;技巧;反思  一、研究背景  有研究表明,对于刚刚接触新事物新概念的学生而言,多问“这是什么?”,比多问“这是……,对不对?”要更
◆摘 要:在高中的教学过程中,数学的教学一直是整个高中阶段教育的重点学科之一,无论是学生还是教师或者是家长,对于数学这门学科的重视程度都是非常高,但是数学这门学科也是一门思维性和逻辑性都非常缜密而且难度较大的学科,这也导致了一部分学生在学习高中数学的过程中出现了很多的困难,这也给教师的教学带来了一定的影响。但是教师在教学的过程中,它的主要目标就是为了帮助学生提升自己的能力,解决出现的问题,所以如何
◆摘 要:创设生活情景能极大地激发了学生对学习的兴趣,它能巧妙地解决学生在学习中的困难问题,从而提高学生学习数学的兴趣。教师首先要充分认识社会生活实际的重要性,把课堂数学和社会生活实际联系结合起来,使自己的课堂教学更加丰富具有吸引力,吸引广大学生的学习兴趣。本文分析生活情景的小学数学探究式教学,希望可以培育学生数学应用能力。  ◆关键词:生活情景;小学数学;探究式教学;研究  小学数学课堂教学效率
◆摘 要:作为数学课程教学目标之一的综合实践,往往并没有在实际教学中,得到广泛的运用,未能发挥其应有的导引和指导的作用。笔者根据自己的教学经历,从创设问题情境,创设操作活动和创设解决方案三个纬度出发,将理论与教学实际相结合,从而在对其的研究过程中,得到最适合小学数学学习的学习方法,针对"综合与实践"为老师平时的授课提供最有效且能够吸引学生主动学习的教学方式和活动方案。  ◆关键词:小学数学;“综合
◆摘 要:隨着教育改革的不断深入,从小就培养学生写作能力是非常有必要的,意义深远。特别是高年级的学生的作文能力培养是摆在我们语文教师的面前的一座难以逾越的高山,我们必须开辟一条属于自己的小学高年级学生写作教学新路子,让更多的小学生爱上作文,热爱写作!学会用文字来描绘这五彩缤纷的世界!  ◆关键词:写作能力;小学生;培养阅读  习作指导一直以来是小学语文教学的难点,是小学语文教师难以跨越的难点。提起
◆摘 要:古诗文具有“浓缩”“押韵”“传情”“明志”等多种特征。作为传统文化的重要组成部分,古诗文和我国传统的节气之间存在着千丝万缕的联系,如何将这两者联系到一起,让语文教学内容更为丰富多彩,是很多教育工作者研究的课题。结合教学实践,本文我通过粗略的思考对此进行梳理,希望大家斧正。  ◆关键词:小学语文;古诗文;节气文化  教师引领学生依托传统节日,积极融入古诗文教学活动当中,漫步诗意语文课堂,有
◆摘 要:在高阶段思想政治教师对学生核心素养的培养要根据学生成长的特点、认知水平等优化教育教学方案。在此过程中充分尊重学生,引导学生正确发展,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观、世界观。为社会主义建设培养有用的人。  ◆关键词:思想政治;核心素养;培养策略  一、思想政治核心素养的定义  核心素养是一门学科中具有关键性的地位、而思想政治学科核心素养是以科学属性为基础,意在引导学生在面对社会实践和日常
◆摘 要:随着新课标的不断落实,教师逐渐认识到提高小学生的自主提问能力,这是新课标的要求。俗话说,学起于思,而是源于疑,因此如何使学生将问题意识转化为学习能力,取得事半功倍的学习效果,我在本文提出的一些做法,让大家参考。  ◆关键词:小学数学;提问能力;策略;探究  学习要有问题意识,要会提问题,这不仅是一种重要的学习方法,更是一种宝贵的学习能力。本文从小学数学课堂上学生提问能力的培养策略角度展开