
来源 :思想教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cctasty
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高校党的思想理论建设历来是我国高等教育的工作重点之一。面对国内外瞬息万变的复杂环境,在思想文化日益多元化的今天,继续发挥北京高校在党的思想理论建设领域的特殊优势,对我国高等教育的发展具有重要意义。北京高校要在党的思想理论建设方面继续保持优势,应当进一步高度重视意识形态工作,从自身实际出发开展思想理论建设,创新工作思路,加强高校领导班子建设,从思想、机制等方面做好准备。 The ideological and theoretical building of the Party in colleges and universities has always been one of the focuses of our country’s higher education. Faced with the rapidly changing complex environment at home and abroad, with the increasingly diversified ideological and cultural backgrounds, it is still of great significance for Beijing universities and colleges to continue to give play to the special advantages of the Beijing universities in the field of ideological and theoretical construction of the Party and for the development of our higher education. In order to continue to maintain their superiority in the party’s ideological and theoretical construction, Beijing institutions of higher learning should attach great importance to ideological work, start from their own reality and carry out ideological and theoretical work, innovate work ideas, and strengthen the building of leading bodies in colleges and universities, so as to be prepared in terms of ideology and mechanism .
着重分析了高职院校基本建设管理存在的问题并探索了高职院校基本建设管理的优化策略,以完善高职院校基本建设管理工作。 The paper analyzes emphatically the problems ex
农村集体经济作为社会主义公有制经济的一部分,对农村经济的发展发挥着重要的作用.在新时代新的经济体制、 社会形势的影响和全面实施乡村振兴战略的背景下,我国农村集体经济