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为了明确氮肥运筹对早稻两优287机械栽植产量形成的作用机制,在总施氮量(纯氮)为150 kg/hm2条件下,设置基肥、分蘖肥、穗肥比例分别为7:3:0(N1)、6:3:1(N2)、5:3:2(N3)、4:3:3(N4)和3:3:4(N5)5个氮肥运筹模式,分析水稻根系形态与伤流量、叶绿素、茎鞘干物质转运和产量构成因素等状况。结果表明,①各处理间产量及氮肥农学利用率均以N3最高,与其他处理间差异达显著水平;以N5最低,与其他处理间差异也均达显著水平。②随着氮肥的后移,水稻总根长和根比表面积呈降低趋势,根数和根干重以N3最大,其根系伤流量也最大。③N5水稻叶片SPAD值灌浆期和收获期相对较高,出现贪青现象。④N3和N4的茎鞘物质输出率和茎鞘物质转换率较低,叶片干物质输出率为负值。从而得知,早稻两优287机械栽植,在基肥、分蘖肥、穗肥中氮比例为5:3:2时有利于提高生育后期的根系活力、形成有效利用养分的根系特征、促进叶片光合能力的发挥,最终取得较高产量。 In order to clarify the mechanism of nitrogen fertilizer operation on the mechanism of mechanical planting yield of Liangyou 287, the proportion of base fertilizer, tillering fertilizer and panicle fertilizer under the total nitrogen application rate of 150 kg / hm2 was 7: 3: 0 Five nitrogen fertilizer operation modes including N1, 6: 3: 1 (N2), 5: 3: 2 (N3), 4: 3: 3 (N4) and 3: 3: 4 (N5) Injury flow, chlorophyll, stem and sheath dry matter transport and yield components and other conditions. The results showed that: ① The yield of N treatments and the rate of agronomic utilization of N fertilizer were the highest among all the treatments, and the difference with other treatments was significant. The lowest among N5 and the other treatments were also significant. (2) With the backward movement of nitrogen fertilizer, the total root length and root specific surface area of ​​rice showed a decreasing trend. The root number and root dry weight were the largest with N3 and the root traumatic injury volume was also the largest. ③N5 rice leaf SPAD value at the filling and harvesting stage is relatively high, there is greedy phenomenon. ④ N3 and N4 of the stem and sheath material output rate and transformation rate of stem and sheath substances lower leaf dry matter output rate was negative. It was found that the root system of early rice Liangyou 287 was planted mechanically. When the ratio of nitrogen to base fertilizer, tillering fertilizer and panicle fertilizer was 5: 3: 2, the root vigor of late growth period was promoted, the root system characteristics of effective utilization of nutrients were formed, and photosynthetic capacity of leaves was promoted Play, and ultimately achieve higher yields.
5月23日这个“黑色星期一”不仅仅属于中国的A股市场,全球资本市场同样遭到打击,亚太、欧洲市场均以暴跌收盘,稍晚开盘的美国股市走势疲软。原来,愈演愈烈的欧洲债 May 23 T
本文研究了全空间上一类半线性奇异椭圆型方程(公式略)的径向对称解。其中N≥2,p>0,h是径向对称的递减正函数,即h(x)=h(|x|),且还满足 lim r→∞ h(r)=γ>0,r=|x|。   本文证明
1 屏蔽技术的发展rn屏蔽布线系统源于欧洲,它是在普通非屏蔽布线系统的外面加上金属屏蔽层,利用金属屏蔽层的反射、吸收及趋肤效应实现防止电磁干扰及电磁辐射的功能,屏蔽系