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众所周知,在日本使用的汉字当中,除了从中国大量输入的汉字之外,还有一些汉字是日本人自己创造出来的。有一些通常在中国不被使用的观念或事物,无法用汉字书写表达,于是乎,日本人就根据汉代许慎六书之一的“会意”(用两个或两个以上汉字的意思组合成一个新的汉字)创造出了日本的独特汉字。例如,“木神”字表示供奉神灵的树木;“山上下”字表示上山路和下山路的交叉部分等。这些汉字被日本人称为“国字”或者“和制汉字”。国字字数说法不一,日本学者新井白石所著《同文通考》列出了81个国字,而日本学者伴直方在『国字考』中共列出126个国字。由于这些国字大多数在中国汉字中并不存在,所以中文读音和翻译成了一大难题,虽然人们约定俗成地按这些国字的偏旁部首的一部分来读取,但这不能解决所有问题,甚至出现了一些谬误。本研究以常用的22个国字为对象,拟在先行研究的基础上,力图厘清它们的汉语读音和汉语翻译。 As we all know, among the Chinese characters used in Japan, in addition to a large number of Chinese characters imported from China, there are some Chinese characters that were created by the Japanese themselves. There are some concepts or things that are not commonly used in China and can not be expressed in Chinese characters. Therefore, the Japanese are based on the meaning of two or more Chinese characters Combined into a new Chinese characters) created a unique Japanese characters. For example, the word “wood god” means the god-worshiping tree; the word “mountain up and down” means the intersection of the mountain and the down hill. These characters are Japanese called “country word ” or “and system of Chinese characters ”. The number of Chinese characters is notoriously different. The Japanese scholar Shin Taekashi Shiraishi book “Tong Wen Tong Kao” lists 81 Chinese characters, while Japanese scholars with the Chinese side in the “official word test” lists a total of 126 Chinese characters. Because most of these national characters do not exist in Chinese characters, pronunciation and translation in Chinese have become a big problem. Although they are conventionally read as part of the radical radical of these national characters, they can not solve all the problems and even emerge Some fallacies. Based on the first studies, this study uses 22 commonly used Chinese characters as an object, trying hard to clarify their Chinese pronunciation and Chinese translation.
【正】 发展中的第三世界国家的国民经济主要以农业为基础。大多数国家都有应用微生物生产所需物品的悠久传统。因而,利用生物技术是能够促进这些国家的发展的。这类操作法扩
【正】 甘肃省临夏回族自治州是回、汉、东乡、保安、撒拉等多民族杂居的地区。长时期来,由于种种历史原因,文化落后,技术力量薄弱,影响经济的发展。近年来,在党的三中全会路
【正】 观念的现代化是个非常广泛的概念,按笔者的理解,是要使国家和民族的主体意识跟上时代的潮流。对我国而言。更新下列观念意识,并使其在四化建设中直接发挥作用,是至为
<正> 现代科学技术的巨大飞跃和世界经济在战后年代的迅速发展,推动了军事科技与武器装备的迅速进步与更新,日益强有力地制约着世界各国军事建设的实力与水平。在当代条件下,