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中国已步入国际舞台中央,中国文化外译却仍基本处于无序、低效、啃老的状态。学界研究多局限于微观层面,更忽视了“互联网”技术转向带来的颠覆性变化。“中国文化外译+互联网”工具及策略优先规划将以文化外译为核心,全盘考察外译与工具及策略之间的动态博弈,提出文化外译工具及策略的优先规划序列,旨在促进国内做好文化外译的顶层设计,实现中国文化外译设计的最优化。 China has stepped into the middle of the international arena. However, Chinese cultural translation is still basically out of order, inefficient and eating old. Academic research is more limited to the micro level, but neglected the disruptive changes brought about by the “Internet” technology shift. “China Cultural Exchange + Internet ” tools and strategic priority planning will focus on cultural foreign translation, a comprehensive examination of the dynamic game between foreign language translation and tools and strategies, put forward the plan of priority of foreign cultural tools and strategies planning sequence, the purpose of To promote domestic top-level cultural outreach design, to achieve the optimal design of Chinese cultural exchange.
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