开创世界民航业 高高原运行新纪元——专访西藏航空有限公司董事长成义如

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西藏航空有限公司自2011年7月首航以来,已安全运行了4年时间,实现了拉萨停放飞机过夜和拉萨贡嘎机场夜航常态化。据统计,今年上半年西藏航空在西藏民航市场的旅客运输量和起降架次都名列第一。目前,西藏航空已成为开通涉藏航线最多、区内机场起降架次最多、拉萨机场旅客吞吐量最大的航空公司。在西藏自治区成立50周年大庆前夕,本刊记者专访了西藏航空有限公司董事长成义如先生。 Tibet Airlines Co., Ltd. has been operating safely for 4 years since its maiden voyage in July 2011, and has achieved the overnight lapse of parked aircraft in Lhasa and the normalization of night sails at Gonggar Airport in Lhasa. According to statistics, in the first half of this year, Tibet Airlines ranked the first in the volume of passenger traffic and the number of take-off and landing flights in the civil aviation market in Tibet. At present, Tibet Airlines has become the airline with the largest number of flights to Tibet, the largest number of take-off and landing flights at the airport and the largest passenger throughput at Lhasa Airport. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, our correspondent interviewed Mr. Cheng Yiru, chairman of Tibet Airlines Co., Ltd.
2007年底,交通部科教司、体法司在北京召开了“交通运输行业能源消耗状况分析及能源标准体系建设研究”软科学研究项目评审和验收会。 By the end of 2007, the Department
In order to evaluate the vibration characteristics of non-rigid airship with suspended curtain,we introduce vibration characteristic analysis method of the infl