
来源 :广东卫生防疫资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhulixiao66
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毛主席教导我们:“应当积极地预防和医治人民的疾病,推广人民的医药卫生事业”。中共中央[70]31号文件也指出:“丝虫病和钩端螺旋体病,严重危害广大贫下中农的健康,直接影响农业生产的发展,应当积极地进行防治”。但是,治疗丝虫病的药物海群生过敏反应很大,群众不易接受,有必要寻找比较理想的药物。目前,在寻找新药工作中,面临的团难是缺少适当的动物摸型。为了解决这个问题,于1972年5—9月,在海南岛定安、琼中、海口、文昌、琼山和兴隆等地,对一些动物进行了初步调查,现将现场调查情况总结如下: Chairman Mao taught us: “We should actively prevent and cure people’s diseases and promote people’s medical and health undertakings.” Document No. 31 of the CPC Central Committee [70] also pointed out: “Filariasis and leptospirosis are seriously endangering the health of the vast number of poor and middle peasants and directly affecting the development of agricultural production, and they should be actively prevented and controlled.” However, the treatment of filariasis sea allergic reaction is very large, the masses are not easy to accept, it is necessary to find the ideal drug. At present, the crux of the task of finding new drugs is the lack of appropriate animal models. In order to solve this problem, from May to September 1972, a preliminary investigation of some animals was conducted in Ding’an, Qiongzhong, Haikou, Wenchang, Qiongshan and Xinglong in Hainan Island. The current situation of on-site investigation is summarized as follows:
本文报道1981年2~4月平果县脊髓灰质炎流行情况,发病率32.57/10万,以脊髓型麻痹为主。并对流行病学资料进行讨论,提出预防措施。 This article reports the prevalence of po
[Hurwitz ES et al:New Engl J Med304(26):1557,1981(英文)] 1976年美国大规模使用流感疫苗之后,根据流行病学监测发现18岁以上的成人发生与接种A/New Jersey(猪)流感疫苗
苜蓿丫纹夜蛾核多角体病毒(Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus,AcMNPV)的orf78(即ac78)是杆状病毒的核心基因,在AcMNPV的生活周期中具有重要作用,作用机